The keyword “pneumonia” is found in 118 documents.
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Note: Date for medical cases is the date of publication, not the date of the case.
- Abels, William E., 1888 [case]
- Acles, James, 1888 [case]
- Andrews, George, 1888 [case]
- Bancroft, Daniel, 1888 [case]
- Barker, William, 1888 [case]
- Bates, James W., 1888 [case]
- Bentley, P. T., 1888 [case]
- Billington, Hiram, 1888 [case]
- Blackman, Frederick A., 1888 [case]
- Blackmer, George E., 1888 [case]
- Brady, Henry, 1879 [case]
- Breese, C. W., 1888 [case]
- Brennan, Peter, 1888 [case]
- Brock, William R., 1888 [case]
- Brodder, John, 1888 [case]
- Bronson, George W., 1888 [case]
- Brown, George, 1888 [case]
- Brunor, Jacob, 1888 [case]
- Brunskill, John, 1888 [case]
- Bush, Richard, 1888 [case]
- Butler, Warren G., 1888 [case]
- Cable, John, 1888 [case]
- Chadburne, Charles, 1888 [case]
- Chamberlain, E. A., 1888 [case]
- Chedel, George A., 1888 [case]
- Christman, Wm., 1888 [case]
- Close, Robert, 1888 [case]
- Cole, Consider, 1888 [case]
- Craft, Nathan, 1879 [case]
- Davenport, Nathaniel, 1888 [case]
- Dean, J. F., 1888 [case]
- Dexter, Clark D., 1888 [case]
- Dwyer, Freeman, 1888 [case]
- Eastman, Henry K., 1888 [case]
- Farnsworth, Peter C., 1870 [case]
- Freeman, Jackson, 1888 [case]
- Furbush, William A., 1870 [case]
- Gallin, John, 1870 [case]
- Gargon, Peter, 1888 [case]
- Gerrold, Joseph, 1879 [case]
- Gray, Charles, 1879 [case]
- Hackett, Henry, 1888 [case]
- Hague, Marion, 1888 [case]
- Hammersly, Wm. H., 1888 [case]
- Hamp, David, 1888 [case]
- Hardy, Francis M., 1876 [case]
- Hickson, Wm. H., 1888 [case]
- Hight, James, 1888 [case]
- Hope, Theodore A., 1870 [case]
- Hubbard, Russell, 1888 [case]
- Jones, J. W., 1870 [case]
- Jones, William H., 1888 [case]
- Kellers, George, 1888 [case]
- Kemper, John, 1888 [case]
- Lamberton, Jno. H., 1888 [case]
- Leary, Charles, 1888 [case]
- Little, William, 1888 [case]
- Lower, John, 1888 [case]
- L——, Alexander, 1870 [case]
- L——, Edward, 1870 [case]
- L——, John, 1870 [case]
- Mahaer, Patrick, 1888 [case]
- Malling, Lewis, 1888 [case]
- Maust, Jacob, 1888 [case]
- McGee, Thomas, 1888 [case]
- McMichael, John H., 1888 [case]
- McVay, Marcus L., 1888 [case]
- Mead, Simon P., 1888 [case]
- Mead, Simon P., 1888 [case]
- Meaker, Harry C., 1888 [case]
- Mitchell, Thomas H., 1888 [case]
- Mitting, Luther, 1888 [case]
- Morse, William, 1888 [case]
- Mullen, John, 1888 [case]
- M——, George W., 1870 [case]
- Newkirk, Orlando, 1888 [case]
- Newton, Edward, 1888 [case]
- O'Shea, Daniel, 1870 [case]
- Oakes, Samuel E., 1888 [case]
- Parks, D. W., 1888 [case]
- Peeples, Robert N., 1888 [case]
- Peters, Joseph, 1888 [case]
- Pierce, Henry M., 1879 [case]
- Pope, John B., 1888 [case]
- Porter, David H., 1888 [case]
- Rager, William A., 1888 [case]
- Reynolds, Asa, 1888 [case]
- Robinson, Gain O., 1888 [case]
- Shawley, David, 1879 [case]
- Shay, John, 1888 [case]
- Shields, James, 1870 [case]
- Shippy, Azro A., 1879 [case]
- Six, William, 1888 [case]
- Slone, Lewis H., 1888 [case]
- Somers, Theodore, 1888 [case]
- Speiser, Daniel, 1888 [case]
- Stalker, William H., 1888 [case]
- Stone, Benjamin Y., 1888 [case]
- Sugars, William, 1888 [case]
- Sullivan, Denis, 1870 [case]
- Sutton, James, 1888 [case]
- Sutton, James, 1888 [case]
- Swarer, Lewis, 1888 [case]
- Talbot, John B., 1888 [case]
- Trite, George, 1888 [case]
- Vandercrook, Dan., 1888 [case]
- Wagoner, J., 1883 [case]
- Waldron, John, 1888 [case]
- Way, Sidney D., 1888 [case]
- Weider, Michael, 1879 [case]
- Welker, Henry B., 1888 [case]
- Williamson, E. J., 1888 [case]
- Wilson, James, 1888 [case]
- Wixom, Grover R., 1888 [case]
- Wood, William, 1879 [case]
- Woodcock, Ira, 1888 [case]
- W——, William M., 1870 [case]
- Yerks, William H., 1888 [case]