Title: Gargon, Peter

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 779.

Keywords:diseases attributed to non-miasmatic exposuresdiseases of the respiratory organspneumoniapost-mortem recordslobar pneumoniascases in which the brain or its membranes were inflamedœdema of glottislower lobes of lungs partially hepatized red, partially graysyphilis

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e11176

TEI/XML: med.d1e11176.xml

CASE 156.—Private Peter Gargon, Co. E, 10th N. Y. Cav.; age 43; admitted and died March 23, 1865. Diagnosis: Syphilis. Post-mortem examination: Some ecchymoses along region of spine. Brain weighed forty-eight ounces and a half; ventricles filled with serum and lymph. Mouth, pharynx and larynx inflamed; œdema of glottis. Right lung, eighteen ounces, lower lobe partially hepatized; left lung, twenty-nine ounces, lower lobe hepatized red, part of upper gray. Heart normal. Stomach normal; duodenum slightly inflamed; some glairy mucus in small intestine; hard black fæces impacting large intestine, by which, in some places, the mucous membrane was slightly congested, in others disorganized. Liver forty-seven ounces and a half; spleen six ounces; kidneys each four ounces and a half.—Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. C.