Title: Little, William

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 790.

Keywords:diseases attributed to non-miasmatic exposuresdiseases of the respiratory organspneumoniapost-mortem records of catarrhal caseslobar pneumoniassecondary pneumoniascases associated with the specific poison of measles, presenting little of interest beyond a specification of the appearance and locality of the affected parts of the lungadmitted with measlestransferred with pleuro-pneumoniateeth covered with sordesexpectoration of dark muco-purulent matterdyspnœa, surface of body bluishpleural cavity contained serum mixed with lymphboth lungs congested posteriorly, abscess in lower lobe of one

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e11300

TEI/XML: med.d1e11300.xml

CASE 56.—Corp'l William Little, Co. E, 31st Me.; age 18; was admitted May 7, 1864, with pleuro-pneumonia. He had been treated in the Wolfe street hospital, Alexandria, Va., from April 27 as a case of measles. On admission he was delirious and very restless; his skin hot and dry, tongue dry and covered with a brownish coat; teeth covered with sordes; he had cough, dyspnœa and a profuse expectoration of dark-colored muco-purulent matter. The dyspnœa increased and the surface of the body became bluish. Death occurred on the 8th. Post-mortem examination: Suggillation posteriorly and discoloration in each iliac fossa. The left pleural cavity contained twenty ounces of serum mixed with lymph; the lungs were much congested posteriorly, portions of their tissue being heavier than water; there was a small abscess in the lower lobe of the left lung. The heart, liver, kidneys and intestines were apparently healthy.—Act. Ass't Surgeon Charles Carter, Turner's Lane Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.