Civil War Washington: Project Participants

Civil War Washington is an interdisciplinary project that benefits from strong support from the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities (CDRH) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL). Those people who have made significant contributions to the project are listed below.

Susan C. Lawrence, project co-director (2007–), is an Associate Professor of History at the Ohio State University. She specializes in the history of medicine and has recently completed a three-article series on the history of medicine in Iowa from 1850 to 1950, published in the Annals of Iowa. She also works on the intersections of history and research ethics, most recently with her article "Access Anxiety: HIPAA and Historical Research," in the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. She is currently working on a book, tentatively titled Privacy and the Past, which explores how archivists deal with expectations of privacy for the dead, current trends in research ethics that implicitly extend privacy rights to the dead, and the ways that historians negotiate the boundaries between what they see as duties to conceal and duties to reveal the private lives of their deceased subjects. Her long-term research focuses on the history of human dissection in Anglo-American medical education from the eighteenth century to the present.

Elizabeth Lorang, project co-director (2013–; project manager and research associate, 2010–2013), is Digital Humanities Projects Librarian in the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. She is also a senior associate editor of the Walt Whitman Archive. Her work has appeared in Literature and Journalism: Inspirations, Intersections, and Inventions from Ben Franklin to Stephen Colbert (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), Documentary Editing, the Mickle Street Review, Texas Studies in Literature and Language, Victorian Periodicals Review, and the Walt Whitman Quarterly Review. She is the co-editor of "'Will not these days be by thy poets sung': Poems of the Anglo-African and National Anti-Slavery Standard, 1863–1864."

Kenneth M. Price, project co-director (2006–), is University Professor and Hillegass Chair of American Literature at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He is the co-editor of books on James Weldon Johnson, George Santayana, and nineteenth-century periodical literature. He is also the co-editor of Dear Brother Walt: The Letters of Thomas Jefferson Whitman (Kent State University Press, 1984); editor of Walt Whitman: The Contemporary Reviews (Cambridge University Press, 1996); and author of Whitman and Tradition: The Poet in His Century (Yale University Press, 1990) and To Walt Whitman, America (University of North Carolina Press, 2004). He co-authored with Ed Folsom Re-Scripting Walt Whitman: An Introduction to His Life and Work (Blackwell, 2005). Price also co-directs the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities at UNL.

Kenneth J. Winkle, project co-director (2006–), is the Thomas C. Sorensen Professor of American History at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He has published three prize-winning books in the fields of nineteenth-century U.S. political, social, cultural, and military history–The Politics of Community: Migration and Politics in Antebellum Ohio (Cambridge University Press, 1989), The Young Eagle: The Rise of Abraham Lincoln (Taylor Publishers/Rowman and Littlefield, 2001), and, with Steven E. Woodworth, The Oxford Atlas of the Civil War (Oxford University Press, 2004).

Brett Barney, research associate (2006–), is a Research Associate Professor in the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities and Senior Associate Editor of the Walt Whitman Archive. He has a Ph.D. in American Literature (2003) from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Karin Dalziel, Digital Resources Designer (2008–), is staff member at the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities. She has several years of experience with design, web standards, and encoding systems, and works with team members to create attractive, accessible, and usable websites.

Katherine Walter, senior consultant (2006–), is the Chair of Digital Initiatives & Special Collections in the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Libraries and co-directs the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities at UNL with Kenneth M. Price. She has served as co-principal investigator for two IMLS-funded projects, "Integrated Guide to Whitman's Dispersed Manuscripts" and "Interoperability of Metadata for Thematic Research Collections: A Model based on the Walt Whitman Archive." The Center for Digital Research in the Humanities has sponsored many projects relating to nineteenth-century America. Two that Walter has directed are The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition Online and the Nebraska Digital Newspaper Project, both funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

R. J. Weir, contributing editor (2014–), is the co-editor of "'Will not these days be by thy poets sung': Poems of the Anglo-African and National Anti-Slavery Standard, 1863–1864." She works as an independent scholar in the field of nineteenth-century literature and print culture. She is the lead editor of the "Letters from Washington" materials for Civil War Washington.

Advisory Board

  • Yvonne Carignan, Library Director for the Kiplinger Research Library, Historical Society of Washington, DC, 2008–
  • Matt Cohen, Professor of English at the Univeristy of Texas-Austin, 2009–
  • Ed Folsom, Carver Professor of English at The University of Iowa, 2009–
  • Ted Genoways, Editor of the Virginia Quarterly Review, University of Virginia, 2009–
  • Matthew Gilmore, Co-editor, H-DC, 2011–
  • Margaret Humphreys, Professor, History of Medicine and Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Duke University, 2008–
  • Edna Greene Medford, Professor, Department of History, Howard University, 2011–
  • Kendall Reed, Dean and Professor of Surgery, Osteopathic Medicine, Des Moines University,2009–
  • Jeffrey S. Reznick, Medical Historian and Author, Rockville, M.D., 2007–
  • Stephen Scott, UNL Computer Science and Engineering, 2007–
  • Leen-kiat Soh, UNL Computer Science and Engineering, 2007–
  • Daniel Stowell, Director and Editor of The Papers of Abraham Lincoln, 2008–

Past Contributors

  • Becky Aiken, student design lead, 2009
  • Zach Bajaber, web design consultation and programmer, 2006–2008
  • Stacey Berry, research associate and project manager, 2007–2010
  • Matthew M. Bosley, undergraduate research assistant, 2011–2013
  • Karin Callahan, GIS specialist, 2007
  • Janel Cayer, research associate, 2011–2013
  • Molly Cannon, GIS specialist, 2007–2007
  • Shailana Dunn-Wall, undergraduate research assistant, 2012
  • Jessica Dussault, programmer/analyst, 2018
  • Scott Henninger, UNL Computer Science and Engineering, 2007–2008
  • Tiffany Hill, Tiffany Hill & Associates, Washington D.C., 2008–2008
  • AJ Howell, undergraduate research assistant, 2011–2013
  • John Huscher, research assistant, 2007
  • Glenn Humphress, GIS specialist, 2009–2010
  • Brittany Jones, undergraduate research assistant, 2010–2012
  • Nima Najafi Kianfar, research assistant, 2012–2013
  • Alex Kinnaman, undergraduate research assistant, 2014–2015
  • Kourtney Klein, undergraduate research assistant, 2014
  • Kathryn Kruger, research assistant, 2012–2013
  • Courtney Lawton, research assistant, 2013
  • Farrah Lehman, research associate, 2006–2007
  • Kevin McMullen, research assistant, 2012–2013
  • Adam Minakowski, research assistant, 2010–2013
  • Keith Nickum, programmer/analysit 2009–2014
  • Alyssa Olson, undergraduate research assistant, 2007–2009
  • Wesley Raabe, project manager, 2006–2008
  • Stacy Rickel, database designer and programmer, 2006–2013
  • Lisa P. Renfro, research associate, 2006–2007
  • Rhiannon Root, undergraduate research assistant, 2011
  • Rob Shepard, GIS specialist, 2011–2014
  • Kim Roberts, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Washington D.C., 2007–2008
  • Robert Voss, research assistant, 2010–2011
  • C. J. Warwas, GIS specialist, 2008