Title: Eastman, Henry K.
Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 754.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e10840
TEI/XML: med.d1e10840.xml
CASE 16.—Private Henry K. Eastman, Co. I, 31st Me.; age 18; contracted measles about April 5, 1864, while at Soldiers' Rest, Alexandria, Va.; admitted to Third Division hospital April 23, and transferred to this hospital May 7. Health much impaired; pain in left side; tongue coated; fever; slight dyspnœa; quick pulse; dulness on percussion and absence of respiratory murmur in posterior and inferior parts of left lung. Gave milk-punch, two ounces, every two hours. 12th: Dulness; crepitation in right lung posteriorly and inferiorly. Gave of sulphate of quinia two grains every three hours; continued milk-punch. 19th; Severe cough; sleeplessness. Added anodynes. 25th: Less dulness posteriorly, increasing anteriorly in left side; muco-purulent sputa. Continued treatment; gave brandy, half an ounce every three hours, instead of milk-punch. June 25th: Physical signs of disease persist. Gave tonics and astringents. July 1: Furloughed. 18th: Transferred to hospital at Augusta, Me. September 28: Returned to duty.—Turner's Lane Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.