CASE 132.—Private John Brodder, 29th Colored Troops; age 21; was admitted March 9, 1865, with pneumonia. The patient was restless; complained of pain in the chest and coughed considerably; there was dulness​ on percussion over the lower lobe of the left lung. A blister, cough mixture and Dover's powder were prescribed. On the 13th the pulse was 100, tongue dry, skin hot and expectoration stringy and tenacious. Poultices, stimulants and beef-extract were ordered. Diarrhœa set in on the 17th, the pulse rose to 120, and the patient became slightly delirious. Next day the delirium increased; respiration 44; sputa​ streaked with blood. He died on the 19th. Post-mortem examination: There were pleuritic adhesions on both sides. Four abscesses the size of walnuts were found in the upper lobe of the right lung; the lower lobe was in a state of gray hepatization. The left lung was congested, its lower portion hepatized. The pericardium contained two ounces of serum. The other viscera were normal.—Act. Ass't Surgeon S. D. Twining, L'Ouverture Hospital, Alexandria, Va.