Title: Waldron, John
Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 763.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e10898
TEI/XML: med.d1e10898.xml
CASE 27.—Private John Waldron, 29th Mass. Batt'y; admitted and died Feb. 21, 1865. On the preceding day this man had become intoxicated, and was found at night lying in the rain near Fort Bennett. Post-mortem examination: Glottis and larynx inflamed. Right lung adherent and hepatized; left adherent, lower lobe hepatized and presenting a tubercular deposit three-quarters of an inch in diameter, with the tissue around it indurated and slightly inflamed. Heart normal. Liver adherent to diaphragm, substance normal; spleen normal; right kidney congested. Stomach in its pyloric half covered with brownish patches; duodenum similarly affected; jejunum, ileum and large intestine normal.—Hospital, Fort Strong, Va.