Title: Leary, Charles

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War f the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 774.

Keywords:diseases attributed to non-miasmatic exposuresdiseases of the respiratory organspneumoniapost-mortem recordslobar pneumoniascases fatal by hemorrhage into the pleural cavityadmitted with pleuro-pneumoniaacute right iliac tendernesssubmucous and sibilant râles, crepitation in axillary regions, creaking leathery sound posteriorlycough raised bloodthorax filled with bloodlung nearly gangrenous in places

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e11073

TEI/XML: med.d1e11073.xml

CASE 115.—Private Charles Leary, 22d Pa.; age 26; was seized, Sept. 20, 1861, with fever and pain in the chest. 27th: Admitted with pleuro-pneumonia. Pulse 98, strong; skin cool and moist; tongue red at tip, coated grayish-white in centre; stools thin and involuntary; acute right iliac tenderness; slight borborygmus; no tympanites; dry, hacking cough; slight expectoration; submucous and sibilant râles in upper part of lungs, crepitation in axillary regions and a creaking leathery sound posteriorly. 28th: Sleep much interrupted by cough; towards morning raised blood; skin warm, dry; two stools, voluntary; dyspnœa; voice low; some delirium. Evening: Chest very sore; voice whispering; raised much blood; pulse 100, weak; some dyspnœa. While attempting to reach the chair, about twelve feet away, he threw up his arms and fell but was caught and put in bed by an attendant. He breathed a few times with a gurgling sound and died. Post-mortem examination: Thorax filled with blood, left lung in some places nearly gangrenous.—Seminary Hospital, Georgetown, D. C.