Case at the Hospitals of Alexandria, Va.

CASE 76.—Serg't William R. Brock, Co. F, 6th Tenn.; age 34; was admitted Feb. 17, 1865, with pneumonia. He improved steadily until March 6, when he was attacked with cerebro-spinal meningitis, for which he was blistered on the neck and spine and treated with veratrum viride and saline cathartics. He died on the 8th. Post-mortem examination: The pia mater was congested; there was a large quantity of purulent liquid beneath the arachnoid, one ounce of yellowish serum in the ventricles and two ounces at the base of the brain; the cerebral substance was normal but the cerebellum was softened. The membranes of the spinal cord were thickened and the subarachnoid space filled with purulent liquid. The middle part of each lung was hepatized.