Title: Williamson, E. J.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 343.

Keywords:post-mortem recordscontinued feverstyphoid fevercondition of Peyer's patches not stated, ileum or small intestine ulceratedpneumoniaperforation and peritonitis

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e6327

TEI/XML: med.d1e6327.xml

CASE 43.—Private E. J. Williamson, Co. C, 179th N. Y.; age 20; was admitted Nov. 30, 1864, having been sick for about twelve months. His tongue was dry, dark and cracked and had a glazed edge; teeth covered with sordes; abdomen tympanitic and tender; bowels loose. There was no rose-colored eruption and but little cerebral excitement. Turpentine emulsion and wine were given, and the case progressed favorably until December 3, when pneumonia set in. Next day the pulse was 120, the delirium marked, cough harassing and expectoration scanty. He died on the 5th. Post-mortem examination: Ulceration of the ileum, especially about the ileo-cæcal valve. Posterior portions of both lungs hepatized. [Specimen 452, Med. Sect., Army Medical Museum, from this case, shows perforation and peritonitis to have existed.]—Act. Ass't Surg. W. C. Minor, Third Division Hospital, Alexandria, Va.