Title: Cable, John

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 784.

Keywords:diseases attributed to non-miasmatic exposuresdiseases of the respiratory organspneumoniapost-mortem records of catarrhal caseslobar pneumoniassecondary pneumoniasbroncho-pneumonia with no notable complicationunconnected with the eruptive feveradmitted with gunshot woundgangrenous lump in posterior lung, surrounded by gray lobules, consolidation farther posteriorcreamy, sacculated mass in other lungbronchial tubes inflamed and contained puslung solidified in both lower lobes

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e11221

TEI/XML: med.d1e11221.xml

CASE 11.—Private John Cable, Co. I, 134th Pa.; age 22; admitted Dec. 23, 1862, with a gunshot wound. Died Feb. 1, 1863. Post-mortem examination: Right lung, twenty-three ounces and a half; a greenish gangrenous lump one inch and a half long and half an inch thick in the posterior portion surrounded by gray lobules, and, posterior to it, some consolidation; lower lobe solidified posteriorly in one-third of its extent. Left lung, sixteen ounces, solidified in its lower lobe and presenting a creamy, sacculated mass; bronchial tubes much inflamed and containing pus. Fibrinous clot in right and dark clot in left cavities of heart.—Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. C.