Title: McGee, Thomas

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 762.

Keywords:diseases attributed to non-miasmatic exposuresdiseases of the respiratory organspneumoniapost-mortem recordslobar pneumoniaspost-mortem record prefaced by ante-mortem notes, indicating general course of diseaseadmitted with pneumonia of lower lobe of right lungincessant vomiting of bilious mattersserum and lymph in pleuræright lung hepatized, lower edge of left lung solidifiedConfederate refugee

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e10867

TEI/XML: med.d1e10867.xml

CASE 20.—Private Thomas McGee, Co. F, 1st Ala. (refugee); age 28; admitted Feb. 23, 1865, with pneumonia of lower lobe of right lung. Incessant vomiting of bilious matters, amounting to six or eight pints daily; tongue moist and clean; pulse feeble and rapid; some cough; slight expectoration. Gave opiates and diaphoretics; applied oiled-silk jacket. 24th: Pulse weaker; still vomiting; hiccough. 25th: Pulse feeble, very rapid; no cough or expectoration. Gave whiskey, beef-tea and carbonate of ammonia. 26th: Tongue moist. Gave tincture of iron. 28th: Pulse almost imperceptible; still vomiting. March 1: Pulse stronger. 3d: Pulse 96, of fair strength; tongue clean; entire right lung affected. 6th: Pulse 110. 7th: Pulse 130 and feeble; no pain; pneumonia in lower part of left lung. 8th: Died at noon. Post-mortem examination: Right lung hepatized throughout; lower edge of left solidified; two pints of serum and much recent lymph in pleuræ. Other organs healthy.—Douglas Hospital, Washington, D. C.