The keyword “excisions in the continuity of the bones of the forearm for shot injury” is found in 20 documents.
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Note: Date for medical cases is the date of publication, not the date of the case.
- S. T. Wilfong, 1876 [case]
- Hardy, Francis M., 1876 [case]
- Van Nevil, W., 1876 [case]
- Wilcox, G. W., 1876 [case]
- Welsh, P., 1876 [case]
- Cooper, J. B., 1876 [case]
- Sullivan, J., 1876 [case]
- McCready, J. S., 1876 [case]
- Boyce, W. D., 1876 [case]
- Shupe, John, 1876 [case]
- Painter, S., 1876 [case]
- Bradford, W. B., 1876 [case]
- Meyer, J. H., 1876 [case]
- Contraman, J., 1876 [case]
- Conrad, H., 1876 [case]
- Gay, F. M., 1876 [case]
- Collett, J. R., 1876 [case]
- Whitehouse, P. P., 1876 [case]
- Gardiner, W. K., 1876 [case]
- Hareh, C. W., 1876 [case]