Title: Cooper, J. B.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 954.

Keywords:wounds and injuries of the upper extremitieswounds and operations of the forearmshot wounds of the forearmshot fractures of the forearmexcisions in the continuity of the bones of the forearm for shot injuryintermediary excisions in the bones of the forearmrecoveries after intermediary excisionsgunshot fracture of forearmball entered below elbow, fractured radius and ulnaresected both ends of both bonesarm permanently pronated and deflected downwardradius and ulna one inch shorter than natural, atrophiedgeneral anesthesia, chloroform

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e30916

TEI/XML: med.d2e30916.xml

CASE 1909.—Private J. B. Cooper, Co. D, 122d Ohio, aged 28 years, was wounded at Cold Harbor, May 31, 1864, and admitted to the field hospital of the 3d division, Sixth Corps, where Surgeon R. Barr, 67th Pennsylvania, noted: "Gunshot fracture of right forearm; simple dressings applied." On June 4th, the wounded man entered Emory Hospital, and was transferred to Patterson Park Hospital. Surgeon T. Sim, U. S. V., reported: "Gunshot comminuted fracture of radius and ulna at middle third. The bones were very much shattered, and the parts very much swollen by the accumulation of matter; health of patient very good. On June 17th, A. V. Cherbonnier extracted all the loose fragments and resected both ends of both bones, removing altogether three inches, the extent of the incision being four inches. Chloroform was used. The patient's progress was favorable. The arm was placed upon a simple splint and dressed altogether with dry oakum, water only being used in washing the wound with castile soap twice a day. On July 23d, the patient was transferred to Ohio by order of the Secretary of War. At the date of transfer, he was able to lift the arm from the splint, and, although recovery was not complete, a most favorable result was promised." He entered Seminary Hospital, Columbus, and was discharged from service September 30, 1864. Examiner E. A. Kratz, June 15, 1874, certified: "Ball entered four inches below elbow, outer side, fracturing radius and ulna. Bony union at seat of injury. Arm is permanently pronated and deflected downward; the thumb is behind; radius and also ulna one inch shorter than natural; arm somewhat atrophied; cicatrix adherent to bones; moderately good use of wrist and hand. Complains that sensation is destroyed." This pensioner was paid September 4, 1875.