Title: Bradford, W. B.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 955.

Keywords:wounds and injuries of the upper extremitieswounds and operations of the forearmshot wounds of the forearmshot fractures of the forearmexcisions in the continuity of the bones of the forearm for shot injuryintermediary excisions in the bones of the forearmrecoveries after intermediary excisionsgunshot wound of armball entered middle of right forearm on radial side, passed transversely through, produced compound comminuted fracture of middle third of radiuspartial shaft of radius removedmovable false joint, hand and limb nearly useless for laboreffort produces severe pain in limbarm deprived of rotary powernecrosis excised end of radiuswrist joint partially anchylosed, pronation and supination of arm injured, arm reduced in powergeneral anesthesia

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e30956

TEI/XML: med.d2e30956.xml

CASE 1913.—Private W. B. Bradford, Co. I, 20th Maine, aged 20 years, was wounded at the Wilderness, May 5, 1864, and admitted to the field hospital of the 1st division, Fifth Corps, where Surgeon W. R. DeWitt, jr.​, U. S. V., noted: "Gunshot wound of arm." Surgeon O. A. Judson, U. S. V., in charge of Carver Hospitall, Washington, furnished the specimen (FIG. 698) and the following history: "The missile, a conoidal ball (probably), entered the middle of the right forearm on the radial side, passing transversely through, and produced a compound comminuted fracture of the middle third of the radius. The general condition of the patient at date of admission—May 11th—appeared good. Simple dressings were applied, and a pint of ale was ordered during every twenty-four hours. May 20th, patient anaesthetized and about three inches of radius removed, by Acting Assistant Surgeon W. C. Clark, making a straight incision, and removing sequestra and the serrated ends of the bone with the chain saw. The incision was then filled with charpie and cold-water dressings applied. 25th, wound filling rapidly with healthy granulations. Appetite good. Treatment continued. June 1st, patient about the same; the wound secretes a large quantity of laudable pus; simple cerate dressings used. 12th, pus burrowing about forearm to slight extent; free incisions were made. July 18th, has continued to improve. Wound now nearly healed. Patient was furloughed today. September 16th, patient returned from furlough." The specimen consists of eleven fragments, comprising the excised portion, from the middle of the radius. The patient was discharged from service March 2, 1865, and pensioned. Examiner J. Nichols, of Washington, D. C., March 7, 1865, certified: " * * * No union has yet taken place; movable false joint exists, rendering hand and limb nearly useless for labor." Examiner C. N. Germaine, of Rockland, Me., September 5, 1867, certified: " * * * The usual action required by an effort to use any implement, etc., produces severe pain in the affected limb. Besides this, the arm is almost entirely deprived of its rotary power. His arm is useful so far as regards any duty which does not require dexterity or strength. The arm is now in a worse condition than formerly, in consequence, I presume, of necrosis of one of the excised ends of the radius in situ, which more effectually destroys the power and comfort of the limb," etc. In September, 1873, the same examiner reported: "The wrist joint is partially anchylosed, pronation and supination of his arm injured, and his arm much reduced in power. Manual labor of an hour or less completely exhausts his arm." The pensioner was paid September 4, 1875.

FIG. 698.—Eleven fragments of right radius removed by excision. Spec. 2297.