The keyword “Peyer's patches ulcerated and the large intestine also implicated” is found in 37 documents.
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Note: Date for medical cases is the date of publication, not the date of the case.
- Angel, Walter, 1888 [case]
- Armstrong, Wm. S., 1888 [case]
- Backoven, Peter W., 1888 [case]
- Bangson, Charles, 1888 [case]
- Beeker, Abram, 1888 [case]
- Boyd, Norman, 1888 [case]
- Chapman, John F., 1888 [case]
- Cull, Adam, 1888 [case]
- Donohue, Frank, 1888 [case]
- Evans, John D., 1888 [case]
- Felton, Everett H., 1888 [case]
- Forman, James M., 1888 [case]
- Foster, James, 1888 [case]
- Gibbings, William, 1888 [case]
- Ginder, Hiram, 1888 [case]
- Hause, John, 1888 [case]
- Hogle, Vincent, 1888 [case]
- Hutton, John, 1888 [case]
- Kelsey, C. M., 1888 [case]
- Link, John, 1888 [case]
- Mariner, Charles E., 1888 [case]
- Nelson, Jos. S., 1888 [case]
- Richardson, O. J., 1888 [case]
- Riley, Martin, 1888 [case]
- Seeley, Austin, 1888 [case]
- Sperry, Ira A., 1888 [case]
- Stevens, Martin, 1888 [case]
- Stoner, H. G. W., 1888 [case]
- Sullivan, John, 1888 [case]
- Verberson, John, 1888 [case]
- Walford, John, 1888 [case]
- Weir, Lewis, 1888 [case]
- Wentworth, Asa C., 1888 [case]
- Wilkinson, Alonzo, 1888 [case]
- Wisner, Walter, 1888 [case]
- Wolfanger, Frederick, 1888 [case]
- Wood, George, 1888 [case]