CASE 181.—Private Ira A. Sperry, Co. D, 147th N. Y.; age 21; was admitted June 15, 1863, with typhoid fever, and died on the 22d. Post-mortem examination twenty-five hours after death: Body not emaciated. Brain healthy. Mucous membrane of trachea much congested; upper lobe of right lung somewhat congested, middle lobe more natural, lower lobe extremely congested, weight of lung sixteen ounces; upper lobe of left lung congested, weight of lung fifteen ounces and a half. Right cavities of heart contained fibrinous clots; left mixed clots. Liver, sixty-five ounces, flabby, mottled cineritious and deep purple; about the middle of the anterior surface of the right lobe was a large white spot coated with lymph, indicative probably of previous inflammation. Œsophagus normal; stomach of a dull gray color; spleen firm, dark mahogany colored, weight eleven ounces and a quarter, an opaque spot covered with recent lymph on its upper surface; pancreas firm and white, weight two ounces and a half. Duodenum somewhat congested; jejunum and upper part of ileum normal; mucous membrane of lower part of ileum thin, pale and easily torn; Peyer's patches elevated, dark slate-colored; solitary glands prominent; ulceration present but nowhere extensive. Large intestine dull greenish in color but not ulcerated. Left kidney flabby, slightly injected, somewhat friable and with many ecchymosed blotches on pelvis; bladder much distended with urine.—Ass't Surg. Harrison Allen, U. S. A., Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. C.