The keyword “from the Harewood Hospital, Washington, D. C.” is found in 33 documents.
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Note: Date for medical cases is the date of publication, not the date of the case.
- Kenan, Owen, 1879 [case]
- Blydenburgh, Charles, 1879 [case]
- Postles, Charles S., 1879 [case]
- Uppenheimer, Max, 1879 [case]
- Corey, William C., 1879 [case]
- Andrews, C. M., 1879 [case]
- Nugent, Thomas, 1879 [case]
- Nales, Thomas, 1879 [case]
- White, Henry C., 1879 [case]
- Armstead, William, 1879 [case]
- Brown, Nathan L., 1879 [case]
- McMahon, Michael, 1879 [case]
- Benedict, Charles, 1879 [case]
- Burt, Thomas, 1879 [case]
- Jabbit, Joseph, 1879 [case]
- Young, Lorenzo, 1879 [case]
- McMahon, Edward, 1879 [case]
- Colton, Jewell F., 1879 [case]
- Berg, George W., 1879 [case]
- Henning, Henry, 1879 [case]
- Chollar, John A., 1879 [case]
- Hawkhurst, William H., 1879 [case]
- Gerard, Joseph, 1879 [case]
- Elmer, Henry, 1879 [case]
- Bussell, Hiram D., 1879 [case]
- Hite, Perry, 1879 [case]
- Winter, John S., 1879 [case]
- Miller, Henry, 1879 [case]
- Rook, James T., 1879 [case]
- McCullough, Jefferson, 1879 [case]
- Remick, M. T., 1879 [case]
- Fröhlich, John, 1879 [case]
- Terwilliger, B. M., 1879 [case]