The keyword “Peyer's patches ulcerated and the ileum or small intestine only affected” is found in 24 documents.
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Note: Date for medical cases is the date of publication, not the date of the case.
- Clark, John, 1888 [case]
- Clark, Cyrus B., 1888 [case]
- Graff, Albert, 1888 [case]
- Geddis, James, 1888 [case]
- Cornwright, Stephen, 1888 [case]
- Slingland, W. H., 1888 [case]
- Upton, Nathan, 1888 [case]
- Loveland, James, 1888 [case]
- Barrett, William T., 1888 [case]
- Kiahl, George, 1888 [case]
- Booth, Robert, 1888 [case]
- Heaman, Jonathan, 1888 [case]
- Brandt, William, 1888 [case]
- Doyle, W. S., 1888 [case]
- Terry, Joseph, 1888 [case]
- Ward, Aaron T., 1888 [case]
- Beckwith, John H., 1888 [case]
- Butler, Thomas, 1888 [case]
- Plummer, Daniel, 1888 [case]
- Beams, Charles B., 1888 [case]
- Carey, N. G., 1888 [case]
- Stone, James, 1888 [case]
- Morrow, J. C., 1888 [case]
- Martin, William, 1888 [case]