Title: Geddis, James

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 381.

Keywords:the continued feverspost-mortem records of continued feverscases reported as typhoid fever, the clinical history insufficient or absentPeyer's patches ulcerated and the ileum or small intestine only affectedlower third of small intestine ulcerated, one circular perforationperitoneum blackened surrounding perforation

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e8625

TEI/XML: med.d1e8625.xml

CASE 155.—Sergeant James Geddis, Co. L, 6th Mich. Cav.; age 33; admitted Aug. 18, 1863. Died 22d. Post-mortem examination nineteen hours after death: The brain was firm and healthy. The trachea was of a dark-purple color, tinged with ochre on the rings; the bronchial tubes contained a dark grumous secretion. The œsophagus was yellowish throughout. The lungs were somewhat œdematous, the right weighing twenty ounces and the left twenty-one ounces. The heart was pushed upwards by the intestines; the right ventricle contained a fibrinous clot which extended some distance into the pulmonary artery; the left cavities contained a soft venous clot; the aorta was highly colored. The liver and stomach were concealed by the intestines; the liver was firm; the gall-bladder contained twelve drachms of dark-colored bile with a yellow flocculent deposit; the spleen was compact and of a dark-purple color; the pancreas was dark-green externally, hard and white internally. The intestines were much distended, evidently from cadaveric changes; the lower third of the small intestine was ulcerated in several places, in one of which there was a circular perforation with pale white edges, and the peritoneum surrounding it blackened to the extent of the Peyer's patch affected and covered with tough yellowish lymph for some distance beyond; the large intestine was healthy except that its solitary glands were conspicuous. The kidneys were dark-purple in color.—Ass't Surg. H. Allen, U. S. A., Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. C.