CASE 97.—Musician William Brandt, 17th U. S. Inf.; age 32; was admitted Dec. 11, 1863. Diagnosis—typhoid fever. He had been sick for two weeks and confined to bed for one week: Delirium at night; stupor; tongue dry and coated; skin dry; pulse 98; thirst; occasional pains in abdomen; bowels relaxed. On the 13th the right parotid gland became painful and much swollen and on the 17th typhoid symptoms were manifested; sordes appeared on the gums; his stupor increased and he was constantly attempting to get out of bed. There was some bronchitis with a little painless expectoration. A red papular eruption was quite distinct. During the next ten days his cough became more troublesome, and on Jan. 6, 1864, jaundice and constipation were added to the symptoms, with increasing stupor, incoherent talking, glazed eyes, thick and tenacious sputa​ which he was unable to expectorate. He died on the 8th. "The autopsy revealed pneumonia as the cause of death and confirmed the diagnosis of typhoid fever."—Act. Ass't. Surg. Carlos Carvallo, Douglas Hospital, Washington D. C.