The keyword “trephining” is found in 13 documents.
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Note: Date for medical cases is the date of publication, not the date of the case.
- Abbott, Henry, 1870 [case]
- Attig, William, 1870 [case]
- Chappel, Benjamin F., 1870 [case]
- H——, Charles, 1870 [case]
- Morton, Darius, 1870 [case]
- Resinger, Joseph, 1870 [case]
- R——, John, 1870 [case]
- Smith, Jesse, 1870 [case]
- V——, Charles, 1870 [case]
- Williamson, L. B., 1870 [case]
- Yetter, John, 1870 [case]
- negro, name unknown, 1870 [case]
- unknown soldier, German, 1870 [case]