The keyword “rose-spots” is found in 14 documents.
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Note: Date for medical cases is the date of publication, not the date of the case.
- Bissinette, Samuel, 1888 [case]
- Butler, Warren G., 1888 [case]
- Connell, Thomas, 1888 [case]
- Dickerson, John, 1888 [case]
- Evans, John, 1888 [case]
- Felter, George, 1888 [case]
- Foster, J. M., 1888 [case]
- Martin, Peter, 1888 [case]
- McLaughlin, Z., 1888 [case]
- Olney, George W., 1888 [case]
- Roe, James, 1888 [case]
- Steinback, Byron, 1888 [case]
- Taggart, M. R., 1888 [case]
- Thompson, William E., 1888 [case]