The keyword “ligations of blood-vessels of the lower limbs after flesh wounds” is found in 11 documents.
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Note: Date for medical cases is the date of publication, not the date of the case.
- Boner, J., 1883 [case]
- Brown, S., 1883 [case]
- Walker, M., 1883 [case]
- Hoar, J., 1883 [case]
- Brommel, W., 1883 [case]
- Lowe, J. T., 1883 [case]
- Sears, L. C., 1883 [case]
- Rapp, D., 1883 [case]
- Beun, J. H., 1883 [case]
- Curler, I., 1883 [case]
- Smith, R. W., 1883 [case]