The keyword “pericardium contained fluid” is found in 11 documents.
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Note: Date for medical cases is the date of publication, not the date of the case.
- Ebert, David, 1879 [case]
- Evans, Walter, 1876 [case]
- Foster, Greenleaf P., 1879 [case]
- Hopkins, Albert, 1879 [case]
- Nixon, John S., 1879 [case]
- Pickett, Orange, 1879 [case]
- Quackenbush, Peter, 1879 [case]
- Russell, Benjamin, 1879 [case]
- Ryckman, Samuel, 1879 [case]
- Sweeney, William C., 1879 [case]
- Williams, Frank, 1879 [case]