The keyword “incised and punctured wounds of the face” is found in 15 documents.
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Note: Date for medical cases is the date of publication, not the date of the case.
- Alvis, John, 1870 [case]
- Beerschnider, John, 1870 [case]
- Brand, Adam, 1870 [case]
- Burnham, G. W., 1870 [case]
- Comstock, Mark, 1870 [case]
- Drake, William H., 1870 [case]
- Fox, Joseph, 1870 [case]
- Freeman, Moses H., 1870 [case]
- Henderson, Randsor, 1870 [case]
- Jones, Samuel D., 1870 [case]
- Kelly, Thomas J., 1870 [case]
- Lang, Mason, 1870 [case]
- Smith, John, 1870 [case]
- Snyder, M. B., 1870 [case]
- Welton, John A., 1870 [case]