Document 1:
Title: Petition of Caroline Robinson, 30 September 1862
Date: September 30, 1862
Source Text: A microfilm reproduction of the original document held at the National Archives and Records Administration, Microcopy 433, Reel 3. The original document is held in the Records of the District Courts of the United States, 1685–2004, National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 21. Within the National Archives' Archival Description Catalog, see ARC Identifier 4314547 / MLR Number NC-2 33 (
Document 2:
Title: Evidence Relating to the Petition of Caroline Robinson, 2 October 1862
Date: October 2, 1862
Source Text: A microfilm reproduction of the original document held at the National Archives and Records Administration, Microcopy 520, Reel 6. The original document is held in the Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury, 1775–1978, National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 217.6.5. Within the National Archives' Archival Description Catalog, see ARC Identifier 4644616 / MLR Number A1 347 (
Civil War Washington ID: cww.01004
TEI/XML: cww.01004.xml

Your Petitioner Caroline Robinson respectfully represents that she is of African descent, is about thirty five years of age, of yellow complexion & of medium height. That on the 16th day of April 1862, she resided in the District of Columbia and had done so for several years previously. That on the said 16th day of April 1862, she belonged to William M Merrick and his wife Mary Merrick by whom she was then and there held to service and labor; and that the said William M Merrick & his said wife then and before resided in the District of Columbia.
She further alleges that by virtue of an act of Congress entitled "An act for the release of certain persons held to service or labor in the District of Columbia" approved 16th of April 1862, she was emancipated, discharged & set free of & from all claim on the part of said Merrick & wife to her service and labor as aforesaid. She further avers that the said Merrick & wife have neglected and still neglect to file with the clerk of the circuit court for the District of Columbia the schedule required to be filed by them by the ninth section of the Act aforesaid, whereby your Petitioner has been prevented from receiving the certificate of her release & discharge aforesaid which the said Clerk under the tenth section of the Said act is authorised to issue.
In consideration whereof your Petitioner prays that in pursuance of the 2nd & 3rd sections of an act of Congress approved July 12th 1862 entitled "an act supplementary to the act for the release of certain persons held to service or labor in the District of Columbia" approved April 16th 1862 the foregoing schedule or description of herself may be accepted & filed & that a certificate in proper form declaring her to be freed & discharged from said claim to service & labor & manumitted by the provisions of the Act aforesaid of 12th April 1862 may be issued to her by the said Clerk of the circuit court for the District of Columbia. And she will ever pray &c
her X mark Caroline Robinson
Zack B Brooke

The Commissioners, satisfied on the testimony of Henry Ammon and Alfred Allen of the truth of the within statement, order the same to be so reported to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, with the fact also that Judge Merrick, being unofficially notified by Mr. King of the pendency of this application, returned verbal answer by the messenger that he did not wish to be heard in the matter at all.

Henry Ammon. I have been living next door to Judge Merrick 8 or 9 years and [have known?] servt always passed as his. she has been living with Judge Merrick all time and was on and after 16th April.
Alfred Allen. I have known servt 6 years. she belong to Judge Merrick. She was here on 16 April and since living with me at Judge [Merrick's?]

Octr 1st 1862
The bearer of this, Caroline Robinson, is the woman of whom I spoke to you & whose schedule was filed on yesterday. She has her witnesses ready to prove the essential facts set forth in her petition & I hope it may be convenient for the commissioners to hear them.
[J?]. Holt
Hon. Jno. M. Brodhead