Document 1:
Title: Petition of Charlotte Brown, 25 July 1862
Date: July 25, 1862
Source Text: A microfilm reproduction of the original document held at the National Archives and Records Administration, Microcopy 433, Reel 3. The original document is held in the Records of the District Courts of the United States, 1685–2004, National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 21. Within the National Archives' Archival Description Catalog, see ARC Identifier 4314547 / MLR Number NC-2 33 (
Document 2:
Title: Petition of Charlotte Brown, 8 August 1862
Date: August 8, 1862
Source Text: A microfilm reproduction of the original document held at the National Archives and Records Administration, Microcopy 433, Reel 3. The original document is held in the Records of the District Courts of the United States, 1685–2004, National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 21. Within the National Archives' Archival Description Catalog, see ARC Identifier 4314547 / MLR Number NC-2 33 (
Document 3:
Title: Evidence Relating to the Petition of Charlotte Brown, 1 October 1862
Date: October 1, 1862
Source Text: A microfilm reproduction of the original document held at the National Archives and Records Administration, Microcopy 520, Reel 6. The original document is held in the Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury, 1775–1978, National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 217.6.5. Within the National Archives' Archival Description Catalog, see ARC Identifier 4644616 / MLR Number A1 347 (
Civil War Washington ID: cww.00993
TEI/XML: cww.00993.xml

Robert Marshall having claim to the service of Charlotte Brown & having neglected to file his schedule or petition according to the provisions of an act of Congress approved April 16, 1862 Concerning persons held to service in the District of Columbia this Petitioner files her petition in lieu thereof [according?] to the provisions of an act supplementary to said act approved July 12, 1862. This Petitioner says she is about 24 years of age 4 ft 8 inches high & being dark color called black & that she has resided in said District since before the 16th of April 1862 & she resided therein by the consent of said Robert Marshall
her X mark Charlotte Brown
In presence of
Geo E H Day

The Commissioners satisfied on the testimony of John Feuse of the truth of the matters within stated order that the same be so certified to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia
Wm R Woodward clerk

Robert Marshall of Washington County DC having claim to service or labor of the undersigned and having refused or neglected to file in your office the statement in writing or schedule, provided for in the 9th section of the Act of Congress Entitled "An Act for the release of certain persons held to service or labor in the District of Columbia." Approved April 16th 1862, you will please file this petition or schedule in lieu thereof in pursuance of the provisions of an act supplementary to said act which said last mentioned act was approved July 12th 1862.
This petitioner further states that she has resided in said District about twelve months and at the time of the passage of the act of April 16th 1862 above mentioned
Name | Age | Height | Color |
Charlotte Brown | abt 26 years | 4 ft 10 1/2 in | Black |
her X mark Charlotte Brown
Harriet A Lent

The Commissioners, satisfied on the testimony of Harriet Lent of the truth of the within statement, order the same to be so reported to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia. Aug. 8, 1862
Wm R. Woodward
Clerk to Commissioners

Harriet Lent sworn. I know servant as the servant of Robert Marshal. was hired out in this City. was here before and on the 16th of April 1862 and since with owners consent. Mr. Marshal lives over the Eastern Branch
Harriet Lent I have no reason to think I was mistaken in above statement she was hired to Mr. George Miller for 2 years. She was also hired there. I left there in January and lived in neighborhood. saw servant frequently. saw her a day or so before act was passed. and a day or so after. Mr George Miller lives on K. bet 14 & 13th streets. servant was home two or three times while I was there I know Mr Marshall received hire for her while I was there. I dont know whether he did afterward. Mr Halton wrote to Mr Goodloe by me. Mr Halton knows servant was there I think
Cross Exd by Mr Marshal. I never saw you before. I dont know where you live. I heard you lived over Eastern Branch. Mrs Miller told me so.
Mr Marshal says. I had hired servant to Mr Miller. I had her home and ordered her to remain. She went away. I went to Millers but they did not know where she was.
I forget whether Mr Miller paid me wages up to 16 April . dont think she did. paid me back wages. I told Mrs Miller that I would send her back as Mrs Miller was sick but told servant to stay at home
servant has been in District 2 years off & on 4 months at time
Judson Richardson Servt had been at George Millers. have seen her there. I dont think she was there or in this City on 16th April. I saw woman go towards home & back. I saw her at her masters about the time act passed. Mr Marshal told me he had taken her home.

George R. W. Marshal I know she was ordered home before Bill passed and went away without authority. She left home before Bill passed. He saw her at Millers after Bill passed and she promised that she would not deceive him. I suppose she meant that she would be his servant and pay her wages. Mrs Miller owed father wages up to time bill passed and I think she paid them.
Susan Marshal I know servant came away when she was told not to come. She had been gone an hour or more before we knew she was gone. I do not recollect date. It was before Emancipation Bill passed. perhaps a month. was at Mrs Millers a month after Bill passed and she drew her wages. I think she drew her wages when she came home, she did not come home with the intention to stay, but she was told to stay. our Cook was sick and she was told to stay. I do not know that father received wages after 16th April.
George W. Halton. All that I know is that this woman was here the day the Emancipation bill passed and was here a year previous. She was living at Mrs Millers who lives opposite to me. She did not act like a runaway. was out on street at my house frequently out every day. was on street.
She was here on 16th day of April last and before and after. I don't know anything about her being carried home. I suppose she was paid by the month. from first of month to month.

George W. Miller I hired Charlotte Brown of Mr Marshal. my wife did. paid her master $6 a month paid hire until after signing of Bill by President, for I think Mr Marshal was at my house after signing bill & got paid a day or so after 16 Apl. girl was at my house on 16 Apl and after and until Saturday after signing bill. left my house on Saturday prior to Monday 16 Apr. Said she wanted to see her child and came back Sunday afternoon and it leaked out that she did not get home but was stopped on the way. was told that she would be free by [illegible]

I know Mr Marshal and his servant Charlotte. I have known Charlotte for a long time, perhaps from a child. She has lived with me a year and six months. I hired her of her owner Mr Marshal by the month at $6 a month from the 29th a month I think from 29th of October. The last payment was either the 29 or 30th of April last, when her month was up. I know it was the two last days of the month. Charlotte was here the 16th of April last on & off about two days of the end of her month. I think the 27th. Mr Marshall called two days after she left & got her wages she left here the 27th or about that to go as she said home. she started. & when she left she did not demand her wages. she laughed once and said I would have to pay her her wages but did not demand them.
Mr Marshal was not here when Charlotte started to go home. I never was present at any agreement by Mr Marshal with Charlotte about going home. She used to go home sometimes twice sometimes once a month to see her child generally of a Saturday night & return Monday or Tuesday after she left me the 27th April I never saw her until a week ago.
I dont recollect any thing about the last time she went home and came back. Sometimes in the middle of the month she started home but did not go. was stopped as she says at good hope Hill. Mr Marshal reproved her about it. she said she had started but did not go. I do not recollect precise day.
She told me that Mr Marshals daughter told her to come back when the month was
out to clean up Mr Marshals house but she did not say that she was forbidden to return to me.
When she left she did not say I must pay her wages. One day—about a week before she went and she went about the 27th—she laughed and said she would have to live where her wages could be paid to her. I said well you will have to live somewhere else. I hired you of Mr Marshal and must pay him.
By W R. W. [This?] remark by Charlotte was at the time I heard the servants [quiz?] her in the kitchen and say to her you are free. and she said I know I am. I never talked with her about it. She left me about middle of month on Saturday evening and returned on Sunday saying she started home and was stopped at Good Hope Hill by an officer who told her she was free to go back. Never heard her say that they did not want her to leave home the last time. she was thus no [illegible] clearing up as I have said