Title: Petition of Joseph Ingle, 30 June 1862
Date: June 30, 1862
Source Text: A microfilm reproduction of the original document held at the National Archives and Records Administration, Microcopy 520, Reel 6. The original document is held in the Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury, 1775–1978, National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 217.6.5. Within the National Archives' Archival Description Catalog, see ARC Identifier 4644616 / MLR Number A1 347 (http://arcweb.archives.gov).
Civil War Washington ID: cww.00806
TEI/XML: cww.00806.xml

To the Commissioners under the act of Congress approved the 16th of April, 1862, entitled "An act for the release of certain persons held to service or labor in the District of Columbia."
Your Petitioner, Joseph Ingle
of Washington City by this
his petition in writing, represents and
states, that he is a person loyal to the
United States, who, at the time of the passage of the
said act of Congress, held a claim to service or labor against one person of African descent of the name of Maria, for and during the period of
twenty-five years, from date of birth
for and during the life of said and that by said act of Congress said
Maria was discharged and
freed of and from all claim of your petitioner to such service or labor; that at
the time of said discharge said Maria was of the age of five years and of the personal description
A female, a mulatto three feet nine inches in height no
particular mark

That your petitioner acquired his claim to the aforesaid service or labor of said Maria in manner following:(2) to wit: By purchase from Cath. E. Coyle, of Mother of said Maria see Bill of Sale of May 10th 1853 filed herewith.
That your petitioner's claim to the service or labor of said Maria was, at the time of said discharge therefrom, of the value of Five Hundred dollars in money.(3)Said Maria is a smart & intelligent child healthy, & has no mental infirmity.
Your petitioner hereby declares that he bears true and faithful allegiance to the Government of the United States, and that he has not borne arms against the United States in the present rebellion, nor in any way given aid or comfort thereto.
And your petitioner further states and alleges, that he has not brought said Maria into the District of Columbia since the passage of said act of Congress; and that, at the time of the passage thereof, said Maria was held to service or labor therein under and by virtue of your petitioner's claim to such service or labor.
Your petitioner further states and alleges, that the said claim to the service or labor of said Maria does not originate in or by virtue of any transfer heretofore made by any person who has in any manner aided or sustained the present rebellion against the Government of the United States.
And your petitioner prays the said Commissioners to investigate and determine the validity of his said claim to the service or labor of said [no handwritten text supplied here] herein above set forth; and if the same be found to be valid, that they appraise and apportion the value of said claim in money, and report the same to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, in conformity to the provisions of said act of Congress.
Jos Ingle

Ann Bell.
Joseph Ingle.

Know all men by these presents: That I, Catharine E.
Coyle, of the City of Washington, in
the District of Columbia, for and in consideration of
the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to me in hand paid by
Joseph Ingle of said City and District, at or
before the sealing and delivery of these presents, this receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents
do grant, bargain and sell unto him the said Joseph
Ingle, his executors, administrators and assigns, a certain
mulatto girl named Ann Bell, aged about eighteen years,
being the same bequeathed to me by my mother, the late Catharine
Coyle by Will executed on the tenth
day of May, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight: To have
and to hold the said negro slave to the said Joseph
Ingle, his executors, administrators and assigns until the
first day of October one thousand eight hundred
and sixty, when she is to be manumitted and set free: And it is
hereby stipulated that any and every child which may be born to the said
Ann Bell during the period of her aforesaid term of
service shall be held to service by said Joseph Ingle,
his executors, administrators and assigns until each and every one of them
reaches the age of twenty five years when they shall also be manumitted and
set free: And it is further
stipulated, that neither Ann Bell nor any child born to
her within the period of her service, or the service of any of them, shall
be sold out of the District of Columbia.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this tenth day of May one thousand eight hundred and fifty three.
Catherine E. Coyle Seal
Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of
John C Whitwell
W H Campbell

In the name of God, Amen. I, Catherine Coyle, of the City of Washington, in the district of Columbia, being in perfect health of body, and of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, considering the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the time thereof, and being desirous of settling my worldly affairs, and thereby, be the better prepared to leave this world, when it shall please God to call me hence, do therefore make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following; that is to say—
After the payment of my funeral charges, and debts, I give and devise unto my daughter Catherine the two story Brick house, and lots, standing on south side of B Street, Capital Hill, devised to me by my son John—
I give and devise to my son William, a water lot, near the Arsenal, also devised to me by my son John
I give and devise to my three children, Ann Whitwell, Catherine E. Coyle and William Coyle the two two story brick houses on south side of B Street Capital Hill, with large vacant lot adjoining and the balance of stock, which may remain in Patriotic Bank of Washington, after satisfying the other bequests out of said stock, hereinafter mentioned, said real property, and Bank stock, to be divided equally among my three children, if they can agree upon such a devision but if not done within three months, after my decease, then the same to be sold by my executors, at such time or times, and on such terms, as they may deem best and the proceeds to be divided among said children equally, share and share alike.
I devise also, to my three children above named, one thousand dollars of stock, in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, to be equally divided among them.— I

I give and bequeath to each of my grand children John Whitwell and Virginia Parsons, Five hundred dollars of my stock in Patriotic Bank of Washington and to John Coyle, son of my nephew Randolph Coyle I give and bequeath three hundred dollars of said Patriotic Bank stock.
I give and devise to my son William all my right, title and interest whatsoever in and to a farm in Hanover County State of Virginia, for a long time past under the care of the late Mr. Sterling Crumb of Richmond.
I give and bequeath to the American Bible Society, one hundred dollars, To the American Board of Commissioners for foreign missions, one hundred dollars, to the sabbath school connected with the First Presbyterian Church of Washington City on 4 ½ Street Fifty dollars and to the Washington Female Orphan Asylum, founded by Mrs. General Van Ness fifty dollars. these last four legacies to be paid out of the proceeds of a note of hand I hold of Peter Brady, for three hundred dollars, and which I pledge for that purpose.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Mrs. Whitwell her father's Portrait.
It is my will and desire that my servant woman Maria be
set free on my decease. I give and bequeath her daughter
Ann to my daughter Catherine.
It is my will that her other three children, be set free whenever they
respectively reach the age of thirty years but until that takes place that
my daughter Catherine shall have
Daniel or any other of the three that she may
choose. That my son William shall have
Albert unless he should be chosen by
Catherine in which case, he shall take
Daniel, then that the remaining one, and any other
which may hereafter be be
born of said Maria prior to my decease, shall be
disposed of until they respectively reach the age of thirty years, and the
proceeds divided among my three children equally. But if they should arrange
it, so as to keep the children among them without a sale, they are at
liberty to do so and I enjoin it on them, not to dispose of them to hard
masters, and to see that they are treated kindly and in due time, receive
their freedom, and I particularly desire, that my children may act
conscientiously in regard to the Servants, and everything else and may the
blessing of God rest upon them all, and may we all meet at last in that
place of rest which God has prepared for all his people.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Catherine all my stock in the Bank of Washington, my household furniture, (Books) watch, plate, [jewelry?] and all the rest & residue of my estate, real, or personal of whatsoever kind and if she shall receive a larger portion than either of the other children, it is due to her on account of her weak and delicate constitution, and because she has been ever obedient, affectionate and faithful to me, and moreover, received no distributive portion of her fathers estate, which the other children did.
And lastly, I do hereby constitute, and appoint John Underwood & Joseph Ingle, Executors of this my last will and testament, revoking and annulling all former Wills by me heretofore made, ratifying and confirming this and none other to be my last will and testament.
In testimony, whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal, this tenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty Eight.
Catherine Coyle S. S.
Washington County, to wit,
Orphan's Court,
August 21, 1849
This day appeared, Andrew Coyle G. C. Grammer & Charles Bradley the three subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing last will & testament of Catherine Coyle late of Washington County aforesaid, deceased. & severally, made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God. that they did see the Testatrix therein named sign & seal this will, that she published pronounced and declared the same to be her last will & testament that at the time of so doing she was to the best of their apprehensions of sound & disposing mind, memory & understanding. & that they respectively subscribed their names as Witnesses to this will, in the presence & at the request of the Testatrix, & in the presence of each other.
Washington County, to wit,
I certify, that the aforegoing is a true copy from the original filed and recorded in the office of the Register of Wills, for Washington County, aforesaid.
Witness my hand and seal, of Office, this 23 day of August in the year 1849

[Form of the Oath for the Verification of the Petition.]
Washington County, ss.
I, Joseph Ingle being duly sworn, do depose and say, that all the several matters and things which are set forth and stated in the foregoing petition, as of my own knowledge, are true in substance and in fact; and that all the several other matters and things therein set forth and stated, as from the information of others, I believe to be true in substance and in fact.
Jos. Ingle
Sworn to and subscribed before me this [no handwritten text supplied here] day of [no handwritten text supplied here] A. D. 1862.
[no handwritten text supplied here]
C. B. Baker
S. A. Elliott
Jno. P. Ingle
Note (1.)-- Here describe the person, so as to identify him or her; and if there be more than one slave, describe each one separately.
Note (2.)-- Here state how the claim was acquired, when, from whom, and for what price or consideration; and, if held under any written evidence of title, make exhibit thereof, or refer to the public record where the same may be found.
Note (3.)-- Here state such facts, if any there be, touching the value of the petitioner's claim to the service or labor of the person, as may enhance the same, and also such facts, if any, touching the moral, mental, and bodily infirmities or defects of said person, as impair the value of the petitioner's claim to such service or labor, and conclude such statement with an averment that the petitioner knows of no other infirmities or defects of said person which impair the value of petitioner's claim to such service or labor, and that he believes none other to exist. If the petitioner specify no such infirmity or defect, then his statement touching the value of his claim should conclude with an averment that he has no knowledge of any such infirmity or defect.