Title: Petition of Mary Ann Kerr and Henrietta Kerr, 5 May 1862
Date: May 5, 1862
Source Text: A microfilm reproduction of the original document held at the National Archives and Records Administration, Microcopy 520, Reel 2. The original document is held in the Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury, 1775–1978, National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 217.6.5. Within the National Archives' Archival Description Catalog, see ARC Identifier 4644616 / MLR Number A1 347 (http://arcweb.archives.gov).
Civil War Washington ID: cww.00030
TEI/XML: cww.00030.xml

To the Commissioners appointed under an act of Congress, approved 16th April, 1862, entitled "An act for the release of certain persons held "to service or labor in the District of Columbia"
The memorial of the subscribers, Mary Ann Kerr, and Henrietta Kerr, residing in the city of Washington, respectfully sheweth,
That their father the late Alexander Kerr, owned a colored man, named Robert Wilkinson, and that, as sole Heirs at law, of the late Alexander Kerr, the said Robert Wilkinson became the property of your memorialists,—That the said Robert still lives, and has been in the Household as a Domestic, up to this time, and that as the Act of Congress before names, has declared that all persons, in the District, held to service shall forthwith become free; the said Robert is now entitled to his freedom, and is at liberty to go where he may please.
The memorialists further state, that he is advanced in life, being aged about 70 years more or less and the said Robert has been, and still is, of much service to them, in their domestic affairs, and they respectfully ask that such compensation under the said law, as the said
Robert may be presumed to be worth, may be awarded to them, as they will be compelled to pay him hire, if he chooses to remain with them, or to pay hire to some other servant in his place, if he decide to seek another home.
All which is respectfully submitted
M A Kerr
H. Kerr
The words "more or less" intertwined in the 23d line of 1st page, first [intentioned?]
Witness Geo. H. Blohib
Washington County, to wit:
On the first day of May 1862, before the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace in and for the District and County aforesaid, appeared Mary Ann Kerr and Henrietta Kerr, to me well known and made oath on the Holy Evangely of Almighty God that the facts set forth in the foregoing Memorial, are just and true; and further that they have not borne arms against the United States during the present Rebellion, nor in any way given aid and comfort thereto.
M A Kerr
H Kerr
Subscribed & sworn to before me N Callan JP seal

Mary Ann Kerr and
Henrietta Kerr