Title: Petition of Mildred E. Ewell, 5 May 1862
Date: May 5, 1862
Source Text: A microfilm reproduction of the original document held at the National Archives and Records Administration, Microcopy 520, Reel 2. The original document is held in the Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury, 1775–1978, National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 217.6.5. Within the National Archives' Archival Description Catalog, see ARC Identifier 4644616 / MLR Number A1 347 (http://arcweb.archives.gov).
Civil War Washington ID: cww.00024
TEI/XML: cww.00024.xml

To the Commissioners under the act of Congress approved the April 16, 1862, entitled "an act for the release of certain persons held to service or labor in the District of Columbia."
Your Petitioner, Mildred E. Ewell of the City of Washington & District of Columbia respectfully shows that at the time of the passage of the said act of Congress, she held a claim to the service or labor against the following persons of African descent to wit:
Charity Smith is a woman of dark color, medium size, healthy and smart & possessing every qualification for a desirable servant. She is 29 years of age
Evelina Moore is a woman of dark color, genteel in her manner, an intelligent mind, good disposition and a useful servant; she is 25 years of age. A woman of unusual qualities.
Benjamin Moore is a dark man, large and healthy, good appearence & character and has capacity to discharge the most responsible positions as a servant. he is 20 years of age
Sallie Moore is a girl of light color, an unusually bright & healthy child; she is 6 years of age.
Frederick Moore is a boy of light color, dark eyes and strong & healthy; he is 4 years of age.
Helen Smith, a child of dark color, rather small but healthy & smart; she is 3 years of age.

That the service or labor of the aforesaid persons, was, at the time of their discharge, by the said act of Congress, of the value of forty eight hundred dollars, to wit:
Charity, one thousand, Evelina, one thousand, Benjamin, sixteen hundred, Helen, three hundred, Frederick, four hundred, and Sallie, five hundred dollars.
That your petitioner has been loyal to the Government of the United States; and that she has not borne arms against the United States in the present rebellion nor given aid or comfort to the enemy
That she acquired the title to the service aforesaid persons by descent from her parents Jesse Ewell & Mildred Ewell of Prince William County Va. in 1848.
She removed from Virginia in 1851 with the aforesaid persons to Washington D.C. and had them registered according to law in the Clerks office of the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia.
Your petitioner further showeth that prior and subsequent to the passage of said act the said persons was domiciled in the said District, and held to service and labor therein by virtue of your petitioners claim to such service or labor.
Your petitioner further represents that her claim to the service or labor of said
persons does not originate in or by virtue of any transfer heretofore made by
any person who has in any
manner aided or sustained the present rebellion against the United States
And your petitioner, therefore prays the said Commissioners to investigate and determine the validity of her said claim to the service or labor of said persons herein above mentioned and if the same be found to be valid, that they appraise and apportion the value of said claim in money, and report the same to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, in conformity to the provisions of said act of Congress.
Mildred E. Ewell
Washington County
I, Mildred E. Ewell of Washington City being duly sworn according to law, do depose and say, that all & singular the matters & things stated in the foregoing petition are true in substance and fact.
Mildred E. Ewell
Sworn to & subscribed before me this 3rd day of May A D 1862
John D. Clark J.P.

To the commissioners under the act of Congress to release certain persons held to service or labor in the District of Columbia
Petition of Miss
Mildred E. Ewell
Carl C. W. Davis
Baltimore, Md
Petition of
Mildred E. Ewell
Filed May 5, 1862
William Omre
Eliot Kingman
Mary J. McRea