Title: Editorial Correspondence

Source text: R. H. [Hamilton, Robert], "Editorial Correspondence," The Anglo-African 13 February 1864: [2].

Date: February 13, 1864

Keywords:African American churchesAfrican Americans--Civil rights--History--19th centuryAfrican Americans--EducationAfrican Americans--Washington (D.C.)African Civilization Society (U.S.)Augusta, Alexander T., 1825-Cain, Richard Harvey, 1825-1887Garnet, Henry Highland, 1815-1882Grimes, Leonard A., 1815-1874Hood, J. W. (James Walker), 1831-1918Martindale, J. H. (John Henry), 1815-1881National Freedmen's Relief Association of the District of ColumbiaNineteenth Street Baptist Church (Washington, D.C.)Payne, Daniel Alexander, 1811-1893Pennsylvania Avenue (Washington, D.C.)Segregation in transportation--United StatesStewart, Maria W., 1803-1879Union Bethel Church (Washington, D.C.)United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Societies, etcGarnet, MaryGroves, Caroline W.Hamilton, Robert, 1819-1870Handy, James Anderson, 1826-1911Herbert, John J.Hinton, Thomas H. C.Literary societyThomas, Jeremiah R. V., 1827-1882

Civil War Washington ID: cww.02521

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Editorial Correspondence.

The National Freedmen's Relief Association
have established nine free schools here—five
day and four evening—one of which is taught
by that faithful friend of her race, Mrs. Maria
Stewart, once a teacher of public schools in
New York and Williamsburg, and also a labor-
​ in the moral vineyard in Boston. She has
been teaching in Baltimore for the last ten or
twelve years, and in this city about one year.

The African Civilization Society has also es-
​ a school here in the hall belonging
to the Union Bethel Church, and its success
has been beyond the most sanguine expecta-
​. It has been established about two
weeks, and although it numbered on the first
day but seven scholars, Madame C. W. Groves,
the efficient teacher, informs us that she has
now about eighty well-behaved boys and girls
present almost every day.

The reception which took place on the morn-
​ of the 5th, was a very creditable affair.
Addresses were delivered by Rev. Messrs.
Hood, Handy, Herbert, Wilson, and Mr. T. H.
C. Hinton and ourself, the exercises being in-
​ with singing by the school.


Was held in the Union Bethel Church at even-
​, and after short addresses were delivered
by the Rev. Messrs. Handy and Cain, and some
remarks from Mr. Hinton and ourself, a society,
auxiliary to the A. C. Society of New York,
was formed, Rev. James A. Handy being made
President thereof, and the school was placed in
its charge.


This Association of ladies and gentlemen we
find to be, as far as numbers are concerned, in
a very flourishing condition. Its President,
Thos. H. C. Hinton, is working like a beaver
to maintain its literary reputation, and his
hands are well supported by Rev. Mr. Hughes,
John T. Costin, and other distinguished gentle-
​; also ladies. Mr. Allen M. Bland has the
honor of appearing before the Lyceum on Thurs-
​ evening, 11th inst., to deliver his fine lec-
​ on Touissant L'Ouverture, and on the
Thursday evening following, we expect to say
a few words to them about music.


If securing money from the congregation for
church purposes be a test whereby to judge of
the success of a minister, then we may pro-
​ our friend, the Rev. J. R. V. Thomas, a
successful man. He was sent here a few weeks
ago by Bishop Payne, and he has already
swept away a debt of $100, which was resting
on the Church for repairs of basement, and this
payment, we believe, frees the Church from

On Sabbath morning last, one of the bre-
​, in acknowledging Brother Thomas's ef-
​, said that the gentleman wanted to
visit his family the next day, and called upon
the congregation to come forward and make up
$20 for him. The audience was not very nu-
​, but they put $16 on the table for him
in a few minutes. Of course the evening col-
​ must have been quite heavy, as that is
the time when the house is full.

We regret to announce that our kind friend,
Rev. Henry M. Turner, late pastor of Israel
Church, is now lying ill with the small-pox, in
the hospital at Portsmouth. Mrs. Turner is
now in that city.


This church which is under the pastoral
charge of the Rev. Mr. Maddon, is in a very
flourishing condition. It has more members now
than the church will hold, to say nothing about
the congregation, and persons are joining the
Society all the time.

The brethren talk about erecting another
church elsewhere, and transferring a number
of the members to it, but if our voice could be
heard, we would say, do no such thing. We
have little churches enough already—let us
have more large ones. Bethel Church in Balti-
​ is not only an honor to the congregation;
but it gives tone and character to the colored
people of the country, and no enemy of our
race can enter that grand temple without re-
​ exalted ideas of us as a people. Gen-
​ we entreat you to let us have a Bap-
​ Church that shall not only be a credit to
us as a people just emerging from slavery, but
shall also be an ornament to the capital of our
country. Denominations, be their numbers
ever so great, cannot assume their proper
places in the religious world as long as they
confine themselves to little houses of worship.


This gentleman has again been the subject
of outrage. He was ejected from one of the
cars on Pennsylvania avenue last week. This,
though very inconvenient for the doctor, may
turn out to be a great good for our people, as
both the military and congressional authorities
have taken the matter in hand. Dr. Augusta
was on his way to attend a court-martial as a
witness, and this expulsion put him half an
hour behind time. Of course, the judges were
compelled to take cognizance of the excuse
and Gen. Martindale promises to see the thing

The impudence of these conductors towards
colored people is insufferable, and it is quite
time that they [illegible]
intend to maintain them. One puppy had
the audacity to command Mrs. Maria Knox of
New York, and Mrs. Dove of Georgetown, to
cease talking in the car, because they dared to
raise their voices against his brutality. We
certainly hope that Congress may do something
in the matter, before some black man is com-
​ to shoot one or two of the scoundrels,
for it is too late in the day to bear these insults

The friends of Miss Mary Garnet, daughter
of Rev. H. H. Garnet, will be pleased to know
that a residence in this city is improving her
health materially. We are sorry to learn, as
we do, from Mr. John Grimes, that his father,
the Rev. L. A. Grimes, of Boston, is quite sick.
He had a slight stroke of paralysis, which will
prevent him from exercising his calling for
sometime to come. Many prayers will be of-
​ for his recovery.

Much sympathy is felt in this city for Mr.
Daniel Brooks, who shot the bar-keeper in Ful-
​ street, New York.

Those who know Mr. Brooks best, say that
the provocation must have been very great that
induced him to commit the deed, and they are
well satisfied that the trial will reveal quite a
different story from that found in the daily
press of the city.

We sincerely hope that such may be the

R. H.
P. S.

—Correspondents on private matters
will please direct their letters to the care of
Mrs. St. Clair Davis, 212, K street, Washing-
​, D. C.