Title: Our Washington Correspondence

Source text: S. [Unknown], "Our Washington Correspondence," The Anglo-African 19 December 1863: [2].

Date: December 19, 1863

Keywords:African American freemasonryAfrican American schoolsAfrican Americans--VirginiaAfrican Americans--Washington (D.C.)Andrew, John A. (John Albion), 1818-1867Copperhead movementDowning, George T. (George Thomas), 1819-1903National Freedman's Relief Association of the District of ColumbiaSeymour, Horatio, 1810-1886African Methodist Episcopal Church--AlexandriaChauncey, Leonard A.Cook Jr., John Francis, 1833-1910Madden, Samuel W.Slade, William, 1815-?

Civil War Washington ID: cww.02519

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Our Washington Correspondence.

Mr. Editor:

If there is anything in the
world that will assist the elevation of our race,
it is education. Let a nation be highly edu-
​ and you will see it prosperous and happy
—enjoying the blessings of peace—to the con-
​, if a nation is ignorant, it will be indo-
​, and instead of improving and progress-
​ in all that is good and great, it will retro-
​. History informs us that no nation
possessed this blessing to a greater degree
than the Africans two centuries ago—and why
do our people not enjoy these blessings at this
time? The answer is, from the disobedience of
God's laws. And so with the American nation
—they have violated God's laws—and hence
the present war and destruction of human life.
Yet amid all this carnage, we can observe the
hand of God, working out the liberty of our
people. This subject affords a theme for the
great philosophers of the day to contemplate
and write about, therefore if we wish to occupy
the position which our manhood ought to, and
must call for, particularly in the United States,
we must be educated, without which we cannot
successfully compete with our white friends;
therefore let us embrace every opportunity of
educating our children, and prepare them to
enjoy that which we have been so long de-
​ of. Thus it becomes us to be firmly
united, "for in union there is power." "Edu-
​ is what we want."

The free colored schools in this District is
something to interest every colored person in
the country, and we are happy to inform the
readers of your paper that one of these schools
has been established, however, not by the
corporation of Washington, or its agents for
that purpose, but through the influence of the
National Freedmen's Relief Association of the
District of Columbia. This school, we under-
​, is quite flourishing—and others are to
be established soon. Mr. Editor, we must help
ourselves if we would have our white friends
help us. We think it it​ would be well for us
to petition Congress to tax every colored man
in this district the sum of one dollar per year
for the support of our free schools. If this is
not done something must be, or the schools
cannot be sustained.

We are pleased to inform you that our
mutual friend, Wm. H. Slade, has been enabled
to resume the duties at his office.

The congregation of the 19th St. Baptist
Church, have extended a call to the Rev. Samuel
W. Madden, for the ensuing year. We think the
Church would do well to get the ministerial ser-
​ of this young divine. He has been acting
as supply for them for the last nine months,
their Pastor, the Rev. C. Leonard, having
gone to Liberia. He is expected to return to
the United States soon.

In Alexandria, Va., on the sacred soil of Vir-
​, made more so, by the blood of the many
Union men who have espoused the cause of
Freedom, a scene took place which we
two years ago could not have witnessed.
The corner stone of the A. M. E. Church was
laid by the M. W. G. Lodge of the Dis-
​ of Columbia; Brother A. Herbert, act-
​ G. M. and Brothers R. H. Booker, and Ed-
​ Evans, G. S. and Junior Wardens, Bro-
​ J. F. Cook, Grand Secretary. The offi-
​ and members of the Grand Lodge left
Washington at 12 o'clock, m., for the city
of Alexandria. On their arrival, they were
escorted to the Hall of Universal Lodge, No.
2, A. Y. M. All arrangements having been
duly made, the procession was formed, and the
Grand Lodge with her subordinates marched
through some of the principal streets of Alex-
​, to the place where the ceremonies
were to be performed. They were lead​ by the
brass band, leader Mr. Jas. Tully (colored).
This was truly gratifying to see the Ancient
Order of Free Masons (colored) marching in
procession through the streets of this old Vir-
​ city, where but a short time since, the
slave-pens were in full operation, but to this
there has been a stop put.

The colored people in Alexandria are as
free, comparatively, as they are in any city of
the Union. There was a time in this city when
it was a common thing to see colored men and
women, chained together going further South,
to be sold into the most abject slavery known
to the civilized world; but how great the
change, to see the corner-stone of a church,
laid by the Colored Free Masons, and they
lead by a brass band, parading the streets of
Alexandria. After the ceremonies were com-
​, Bros. Robert Robertson of Alexandria,
and George T. Downing of New York, deliv-
​ fine speeches. Those gentlemen spoke in
very patriotic language, in relation to sustain-
​ the principles of Free Masonry and of
freedom. Mr. Downing said he felt happy to
have the pleasure of addressing an assemblage
of this kind in the State of Virginia where he
could speak his sentiments, regardless of the
frowns or the smiles of any one. After the
speeches were delivered, the procession formed
in line and marched to their Lodge room where
they were called off from labor to refreshment
and were handsomely entertained by Brother
George Chapman, at his residence. There
was quite a number of spectators of both
colors. The best order was observed during
the entire day and all were highly delighted.
It was truly good to be there.

The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons,
of the State of Maryland, held their Annual
communication in Georgetown, on Thanks-
​ day. The subordinate Chapters were
well represented. Some of the most inquiring
of your readers may ask the question why is
it that the Grand Chapter of Maryland met here
—the answer is, we have but two—Chapters
in the District of Columbia, and consequently
we have no Grand Chapter. It gives us plea-
​ to state that the Masonic Order is in a
flourishing condition in the District of Colum-

It pleased us very much to read in the New
York Tribune of last evening, that for the first
time in the history of this country, a regiment
of colored soldiers paraded the streets of this
city, and that too without molestation. What
a wonderful change has taken place in a short
time! We hope the appearance of these
troops will cause the Governor of the State to
do his duty, and imitate the noble example set
by the Governor of Massachusetts. However,
you cannot make a silk purse of a sow's ear.
But we will not give the Governor of New
York up to the hardness of heart. There is
hope for a sinner while the candle of life con-
​ to burn. A few more Union victories
will convert almost as many Copperheads as
we have killed of Secessionists. We are
pleased to know that things are looking favor-
​ all over the country.
