Title: Our Washington Correspondence
Source text: Unsigned [Unknown], "Our Washington Correspondence," The Anglo-African 12 December 1863: [2].
Date: December 12, 1863
Civil War Washington ID: cww.02518
TEI/XML: cww.02518.xml
Our Washington Correspondence.
but owing to a press of advertisements it was
laid over.—Ed.]
We are pleased to inform the many readers
of The Anglo-African that our worthy friend
and brother correspondent, William Slade, has
so much improved in health as to be able to
walk out from his residence.
The cost of living in Washington has grown
to a very important matter. The sudden and
unprecedented rise in all kind of edibles—will,
we fear, cause a great deal of suffering among
our poorer classes during the coming winter.
Fuel has also taken an upward tendency. Coal
has already gone up to Twelve dollars per ton
of 2,240 pounds, and wood is selling at $8 and
$9 per cord. We fear much real suffering will
be experienced by a large number of our freed-
men and women who have been lately thrown
upon us by the war. House rent too has ad-
vanced to high rates, for almost every descrip-
tion of tenements. With all the signs of coming
distress our people here are living in ruinous
extravagance, and they seem little disposed to
make necessary retrenchment to ward off the
coming distress which must follow their pre-
sent mode of living. It is not our intention to
interfere or meddle with the private affairs of
any people, but we wish to warn them of any
danger that we see awaiting them, and in so
doing we act with the best of feeling.
The street passenger railroad company have
determined to put on the road a number of two
horse cars for its colored passengers, instead
of the one horse cars now in use, to meet the
growing demand of the colored travelling pub-
lic. Those on do not by far meet the de-
mand of those who are continually travelling
from point to point of our city. They are also
to run on the Sabbath in conjunction with the
white line.
The much-dreaded disease, small pox, has
again made its appearance in good earnest,
and is raging in some localities to a fearful
extent. The past Summer is the first in our
recollection that this disease has lingered in
this locality. Many deaths have occurred
from it.
A school for the freedmen will be opened on
Monday, Nov. 23d, to be located in Seventh
Ward (Island). These schools are to be free.
An evening school will also be opened which
will also be free to be held Monday and Friday
evenings of each week. Mr. George E. Baker
the treasurer of the Freedmen's Relief Associa-
tion, will receive and receipt for all moneys for
the support of these schools.
These schools are under the management of
Mr. G. F. Needham, Chairman of Committee of
Arrangements of the Freedmen's Relief Asso-
ciation (white).
This indeed is a laudable enterprise on the
part of this association.
The obituary discourse on the life and char-
acter of Miss Eliza Stewart was pronounced
by the Rev. John C. Smith (white), Pastor of
the 4th Presbyterian Church, at the 15th street
Presbyterian church, on Sabbath afternoon,
Nov. 22d, to a large congregation of sorrowing
friends. Miss Stewart was a faithful member
of the Presbyterian Church, and was among its
first members. She devoted much of her time
attending on the sick and in other good works
characteristic of a Christian. Miss Eliza will
be much missed.
Mr. William Chase, an old citizen, who had
been carrying on blacksmithing for years in
this city, met his death on Monday noon, Nov.
23d, in the following horrible manner. It ap-
pears that Samuel Posey, a colored govern-
ment detective, went in Mr. Chase's shop, and
taking out a pistol complained bitterly of its
condition, being, he said, out of order. Chase
and Posey then set to work to correct its de-
fect. While Chase was trying to unscrew the
part affected the weapon exploded, lodging the
contents in the body of Mr. Chase and which
caused his death in a few moments. The news
of this shocking affair ran like wild-fire over
the city. Mr. Chase is a man well known over
this entire community, having done business
here as a blacksmith and wheelwright for fif-
teen or twenty years. Mr. Chase lived a bache-
lor until quite advanced in age when he mar-
ried Miss Lucinda Seaton of Alexandria, Va.,
and has since resided in this city. Mrs. Chase
is now left a widow with several children.
Mr. Posey was examined by a Justice of the
Peace and the evidence showed it a purely acci-
dental shooting, and Posey was put under
security for his appearance at court to answer
this unfortunate charge. We sympathize with
with Mrs. Chase in her very sudden affliction.
This should be an additional warning against
the handling of fire-arms.
The all-prevailing topic of the day is the ex-
pected lecture of Mr. Douglass before the
Ladies' Contraband Relief Association. A
crowded house is anticipated.
An effort is on foot here to establish an edi-
torial corps for The Recorder. We do not
think it proper to mention names at present.
But we will say success to the young gentle-
men who will form it.
The Bishop passed through Washington on
his return from Norfolk and Portsmouth. We
had a short but pleasant interview with the
Bishop. He expressed himself much pleased
with his trip, and his many friends will be
glad to know that his mission was a perfect
success, and when his able pen is set to work
to describe the wonderful things that he there
saw—the world may expect a treat; he has
established two Churches and an extensive cir-
cuit. We learn that the Rev. J. M. Brown
will take charge of this District. He is the
man for the place. May Mr. Brown's minis-
terial labor be crowned with great success.
The Haytian minister has left here, having
become disgusted with the general treatment
received at the hands of the majority of the
white citizens of this city. He determined to
go to New York city, there to reside, instead
of residing in the National Metropolis, where
all foreign ministers are required to reside by
the laws of their country, but in the case of
the Haytian minister, he met with an indif-
ferent reception, for while the President and
some of the members of his Cabinet, received
him as they did other foreign representatives
we are sorry to state many others, occupying
high official positions here, did not give him
the same reception that they did to others.
However, be this as it may, we have the satis-
faction to know that we have had a colored
man in this country for the first time, in all the
history of this proud nation, representing the
interest of a colored republic.
The question may be asked by some persons
why the Haytian minister left the seat of
government and taken up his residence in the
commercial metropolis. To this we would say,
there is more society in New York city for him
than there is in this city, and his associations
will be more congenial to his feelings. The
question has often been asked of us, and many
colored persons, why we did not call on the other
Haytian minister—to this we will answer by
saying, the position he occupied in this cou-
try is quite different from that any other man
ever occupied, therefore many of his colored
friends were precluded from paying him and
his family the usual civilities paid to our dis-
tinguished colored Americans; but may we
not say that this is an age of progress, and,
we are making rapid strides onwards against
all the prejudices with which we have to con
-tend? Believing as we do, the time is not far
distant when we shall occupy social and politi-
cal positions, where we shall not be known by
our color, let us be united and prepare our-
selves for coming events, so that when we are
called on to fill any position, civil or military,
we may do so with honor to ourselves, and
satisfaction to those whom we may represent.
We are informed that Madam Magnan and
Mr. Robert Hamilton, intend to give a series of
concerts here this Winter. This combination of
musical talent will furnish a great treat to the
citizens of Washington and vicinity. We
have the pleasure of being acquainted with
these artists, and there is no doubt their con-
certs will be liberally patronized. We suggest
that these concerts should take place before
Christmas or after New Year. We have been
informed it is the intention of the choir of the
15th street Presbyterian Church to give one or
two concerts during the month of December, for
the benefit of said Church.
We have very little news of a local charac-
ter to relate at this time. Everybody seems
to be looking forward to the meeting of the
next Congress, and speculating with regard to
the Speaker of the House. Public opinion, how-
ever, seems to have fallen on the Hon. Mr. Col-
fax, of Indiana, and should the Hon. Mr. Colfax
be elected, we believe he will make a faithful
officer—coming up to the most radical ideas of
his friends. He has always been considered a
strong Republican.
We notice that Messrs. Robert Hamilton and
Hinton have been paying a visit to Baltimore
—and I have been informed it was the inten-
tion of these gentlemen, to visit Norfolk, Va.,
in order to see how things are moving in that
section of our country, now that General But-
ler has been assigned to the command of that
department—we may expect the enemies of
human liberty to keep quiet—judging from the
tenor of his first order, after assuming the
command. We have been informed that the
army of the Potomac are moving, but in which
direction we are not prepared to say—how-
ever, it is not coming to this neighborhood.
We understand that the President has given
orders to find the enemy and give him battle.