Title: Our Washington Correspondence

Source text: S. G. B. [Brown, Solomon G., 1829?-1906], "Our Washington Correspondence," The Anglo-African 28 November 1863: [2].

Date: November 28, 1863

Keywords:African American soldiers--History--19th centuryAfrican Americans--Civil rights--History--19th centuryAfrican Americans--Washington (D.C.)Brown, Solomon G., 1829?-1906Casey, T. L. (Thomas Lincoln), 1831-1896Ross, John, 1790-1866United States. Army Headquarters Area Command. Office of the Provost MarshalUnited States. Colored Troops.United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Participation, African AmericanFellows, StarkTodd, Henry B.

Civil War Washington ID: cww.02517

TEI/XML: cww.02517.xml

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We take the following from the Washington
Sunday Chronicle of Nov. 15th.

"Review Of The 2d United States Colored
Troops By Major-General Casey
.—The 2d
regiment United States colored troops, Lieute-
​ S. Fellows commanding, were re-
​ yesterday afternoon at Meridan Hill by
Major-General Casey. The day was very fair,
and all that could be desired for such a pur-
​, except that it was rather dusty. The
2d colored troops were raised in and around
this city, and it is the second colored regiment
raised in the District. For some time past
they have been stationed at Camp Chase,
about three miles across the Long Bridge.
They have been an organization nearly two
months. The regiment left their camp about
10 o'clock, a. m., six hundred strong, and com-
​ the march for the Hill, which, from
their encampment, is in the neighborhood of
six miles distant. All but one company took
up the line of march. This company remained
behind to take care of the camp. The roads
were very dusty, and before they had gone any
distance they were covered with dust, but un-
​ of this, they kept on and reached
Meridan Hill at 1½ o'clock. Upon their
arrival at this point, a large crowd both white
and black, including not a few ladies, were in
waiting, eager to witness them in their evolu-
​. Among the visitors we noticed John
Ross, the celebrated Indian Chief of the Chero-
​ nation, who appeared to take a lively inter-
​ in the manœuvres of the troops. Gen.
Casey appeared on the ground in a carriage,
accompanied by a portion of his family and sur-
​ by a number of his staff. The ground
was also covered with a host of line officers,
from the various regiments quartered in the
vicinity. The troops were then put in a posi-
​ for going through the manual of arms.
After a fatiguing march of six miles we would
not think they would be in a good condition to
drill, but they went through the whole manual
like veterans. As we said before, they have
only been under instruction for the past two
months, yet every movement was promptly
and beautifully executed with scarcely a fault.
The regiment was manœuvered by Lieutenant-
​ Fellows, who handled them as if he un-
​ his business. They marched and
countermarched, formed into a hollow square
and formed in line of battle and other move-
​ incidental upon the battalion drill, which
elicited both surprise and pleasure from the
lookers on, particularly the soldiers belonging
to the Invalid corps, who were present in large
numbers. After going through the evolutions
for about two hours they passed in review
around the carriage of General Casey, headed
by a band of music which discoursed some
spirited airs. General Casey was much sur-
​ at their aptness and precision in the
drill, and expressed himself as extremely satis-
​ with their behavior, and had no doubt if
they should ever get into battle that they
would stand up to the work like heroes, and
never desert the old flag until the last man had
shed his life-blood in its defence.

After passing in review before the General,
they filed out into the road and took up the
march for camp, the large crowd following.
When near the city the dust was somewhat
settled by a shower of rain, which also fur-
​ the men with a bath before reaching
their tents. The men are composed of fine ma-
​, and look as if they would render excel-
​ service for their country. Some of the
non-commissioned officers we noticed particu-
​ were splendid models of the soldier. The
commissioned officers were all men of educa-
​ and refinement, and before being placed
in their positions passed through a thorough
and rigid examination. They are true men
and tried. At the conclusion of the drill and
review, the large crowd of visitors returned to
the city, satisfied that the colored troops, if
opportunity offered, would faithfully perform
their duty.


The cars now running up and down Pennsyl-
​ Avenue for the accommodation of colored
persons are entirely inadequate to the wants
of the colored public. There are but seven
cars on where we should have twenty, for one
has to wait from twenty to twenty-five minutes
for a passing car and when it reaches you it is


We are quite sorry to record the fact that
Mrs. Susan Tenny's house was robbed one
evening last week of $150 in money. Mrs.
Tenny is an industrious, respectable lady, and
has amassed a little property. She is an ac-
​ member of the Union Relief Association
and is generally forward in all good works.
We hope this heartless thief may be appre-


The Daily Republican of this city in its issue
of Nov. 4th has an article headed as above. In
it the editor speaks of the excellent and busi-
​ manner the affairs of the office are
conducted and in conclusion says: "We have
thus endeavored to give an idea as to how
things are done. To the many of our readers
who have business in the department, we hope
it may be of some benefit. From the captain
to the humblest clerk are perfect gentlemen—
polite and affable to all who come to them."

Now, Mr. Editor, I do not think that the
editor of The Republican would knowingly
misrepresent this department, but in the afore-
​ article he has greatly misrepresented it.
If any one would take the pains to go to this
office and observe how persons of color are
treated they could not agree with The Republi-
that the officers are polite and affable. If
a colored gentleman or lady has any business
with the Provost Marshal or any one of his
officers, he or she is made to stand at the door-
​, along the pavement or sidewalk in the
rain or sun, or whatever the weather may be,
for hours at a time, or until some ungentle-
​ orderly choses​ to admit them by the
guard who paces the street door in pomp, and
when this consequential orderly choses​ to come
down, he does it in a most disrespectful man-
​, demanding your name, age, residence,
occupation and desire, all of which he has no
right to know. Very often the questions are
put to cause merriment for those hanging
about the door. He will them admit just whom
he pleases. When you get in you are made to
stand around the far corner of a rail jammed
up as close as you can get to each other, for
fear that you may touch the hem of some white
person's garment and defile it. The officers
then begin their rough overhauling and should
you want a pass, you are put through the mill
in a very rough manner. At length your pass
is ready and shoved at you and you leave the
office vexed and entertaining very hard feel-
​ against those men for thus using you only
on account of your complexion.

It matters not how important your mission,
if your skin is dark, you are thus treated,
whilst all white persons, or those supposed to
be white, are admitted with bows and scrapes.
If a female, she is invited within the bar, a soft
seat handed her and has two or three clerks
bowing around her, all anxious to do her honor,
secessionist though she may be, while the true,
the loyal, the faithful black is subject to the
treatment described above. We do not mean
to say that Capt. Todd is a party to this mean
conduct, for we have ever found him a gentle-
​ of the highest stamp and we feel sure that
should this meet his eye he will have the abuse

S. G. B.