Title: From Washington

Source text: R. H. [Hamilton, Robert], "From Washington," The Anglo-African 24 October 1863: [2-3].

Date: October 24, 1863

Keywords:African American business enterprisesAfrican American churchesAfrican American clergyAfrican Americans--Washington (D.C.)Bowser, David Bustill, 1820-1900Dean, John, 1813-1863Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865Meade, George Gordon, 1815-1872Pierpont, John, 1785-1866Turner, Henry McNeal, 1834-1915Slavery--United States--History--19th centurySmith, David, 1784-Union Bethel Church (Washington, D.C.)Brooks, John Delaware, 1803-1874/75Dyson, Robert Henry Garland, 1832-?Groves, Caroline W.Hamer, Jacob P.Hamilton, Robert, 1819-1870Handy, James Anderson, 1826-1911Hinton, H. C. ThomasWalker, Lewis

Civil War Washington ID: cww.02513

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Editorial Correspondence.

So rapid is the whirl of events that we find
it impossible to write as we desire of things as
we find them here. The amount of common,
and therefore good, sense found among the
leading men is truly wonderful. The needs of
the country are as transparent to them as to
any member of President Lincoln's Cabinet;
and they understand quite as well how the
woes of that country are to be assuaged.

But what is most interesting is the personal
experience of these men—aye, of the women
too! They can tell you of circumstances
which, although years have passed away since
some of them occurred, have the power to cur-
​ the blood in your veins. What an inex-
​ storehouse this subject of slavery
will be to the poets and tale and song-writers
of the next hundred years, and how many of
the men whose hand we have had the great
privilege to grasp will find a place in those
poems, tales and songs?


The manner in which we have been treated
by the trustees of many of the churches here
has not only filled us with gratitude, but
placed us under peculiar obligations to them.
The pastors of all these churches have not
only given their willing consent to the use of
their edifices by us, but the most of them have
given their invaluable assistance in filling the
houses and conducting the meetings.

The following are the names of the churches
and their pastors where we have held meet-
​, the trustees and pastors of which will
please accept our most grateful thanks: Israel
A. M. E. Church, Rev. H. M. Turner, Pastor;
Zion Wesley Church, Rev. J. D. Brooks, Pastor;
Asbury M. E. Church; Union Bethel Church,
Rev. J. P. Handy, Pastor; John Wesley A. M.
E. Church, Rev. J. P. Hamer, Pastor; Gal-
​ Chapel, Rev. R. H. Dyson; Third Bap-
​ Church, Rev. A. Bouldin, Pastor; Mission
Chapel, E street, Island, Rev. J. J. Herbert;
Bethel Church, Good Hope, Rev. D. Smith, Pas-
​. All of these places were furnished us free
of charge—the Israel and Asbury charges
being furnished us twice on the same terms.

Our thanks are also due to the many friends
who have made our stay in this city so very
agreeable socially. To designate by name
where so much hospitality has been shown
would not only be invidious, but be in very
bad taste.


Mrs. R[illegible] Williams of this city, who was
carried away to the South about seven years
ago, gave an account of her sufferings in and
escape from that guilty portion of our country,
on the evening of the 12th instant, in John
Wesley Church.

The house was well filled, and our Northern
readers may know that if a Washington audi-
​, who are so used to these tales of suffer-
​, could listen with the most intense excite-
​ to this lady's story, it must have been
most thrilling. What was most wonderful
about it, perhaps, was the manner in which it
was delivered. Such calmness, such complete
mastery over her feelings, when reciting the
perils through which she and her babe and fel-
​ passed, we never saw equalled.
Not in one instance did the emotion which
kept welling up from the fountain of an over-
​ heart get the better of her, and yet
how easy it was to perceive that a flood of
tears was continually trying to get the mas-
​ of that stoicism. The story of this wo-
​ wrongs will soon be put to press, there-
​ we shall refrain from giving any of her
remarks at this time.

As the work will be of deep interest, we will
endeavor to let our readers know when it shall
come from the press.

At the conclusion of her remarks, we were
invited to make a few remarks and sing a
song, but what could we say in the presence
of a woman who had been a Moses to a large
number of our brethren, leading them safely
out of the house of bondage into the Union
lines? Our stammering tongue soon lagged,
and we were glad to take refuge behind one of
our songs.

A handsome collection was lifted, and pre-
​ to the lady by the Rev. Mr. Hamer.


Our readers may remember that we pub-
​, a short time since, an account of a slave
trial in this city in which the above-named
gentleman acted as counsel for the slave.

Of course, in coming to Washington, we
were quite anxious to shake the hand of such
a faithful friend, and we got an opportunity,
for we had the good fortune to meet him on
Pennsylvania avenue. After an introduction
by our friend, Mr. Thos. H. C. Hinton, the
Judge kindly entered into a long conversation,
giving us much of his personal history during
his residence here.

Judge Dean has done much for the poor
escaping bondman since he has been here, but
always without recompense or reward. The
nobility of his soul shone out in many ways
which we could enumerate, testified to by cred-
​ witnesses, but we have reason to believe
that this will be attended to by abler hands.
Even when the Judge got in trouble from the
above-named case, he endeavored to elevate
the black man. His bail was $1,000, and al-
​ he might have secured many white
men who would have willingly stood for him,
yet he would not rest until he had given a
colored man a chance to stand in that respon-
​ position. Messrs. G. Snowden and W.
Lewis gladly stepped forward, and the latter
gentleman had the honor of standing his bail.

On Wednesday evening, 13th inst.​, a num-
​ of colored gentlemen proposed to present
to the Judge, at a meeting which we held in
Asbury M. E. Church, a splendid cane which
cost them $40 ; but on the 15th inst.​, after one
week's illness, this noble man breathed his
last, and the cane was presented the next day
to his wife.

The funeral took place on Saturday, the 17th,
from the Unitarian Church, the Rev. John Pier-
​ making a few instructive remarks pre-
​ to the body being conveyed to the tomb.
Judge Dean has a son in Gen. Meade's army,
who was able to reach home just in time to
attend the funeral; so it is a great pleasure
to know that the splendid token of regard
aforementioned will fall into the hands of a
good Union soldier.


We regret to announce that the above-named
gentleman, the father of Augustus Washing-
​, Esq., of Monrovia, Liberia, and Mrs. C.
W. Groves, of Harlem, N. Y., is no more. He
departed this life the 16th of the present
month, aged 86 years, his disease being hem-
​ of the lungs.

Mrs. Groves arrived in this city on Friday
evening, and, on visiting the hospital the next
day, found that her father had been buried the
day before. She had no knowledge of her
father being in this city previous to learning
that he was will​, although he had been in
Washington about three months.


Among the notables brought to this city by
the late Odd Fellows' celebration was Mr.
David B. Bowser, the artist of Philadelphia.
Mr. B. brought with him a photographed copy
of his celebrated flag, designed and painted for
the 6th Regiment U. S. Colored Troops. The
copy, which was handsomely framed, he pre-
​ to the President on Tuesday the 13th

There was no one present at this presenta-
​ but the President and the artist, but we
learn from Mr. Bowser that Mr. Lincoln ex-
​ much pleasure and gratification on the
occasion; but we do not believe that he felt a
tenth part of the joy that friend Bowser did in
being permitted to present his artistic produc-
​ to one who was so worthy of his highest
regard. Any person desirous of obtaining a
copy of the flag can get it by writing to Mr.
Bowser at Philadelphia.


The celebrated violinist of New York, has
taken up his residence in this city, and is
already overrun with business. He has gath-
​ about him the nucleus of a splendid
brass band.


Have at much expense fitted up an establish-
​ on B street, between 10th and 11th
streets, for the accommodation of the travel-
​ public, and are doing a splendid business.
They only accommodate gentlemen.


Has an hair-dressing establishment under the
same roof, thus affording every convenience to
the guests of the house. From the great need
of such an establishment in Washington, we
have no doubt but these gentlemen will all
meet with very great success.

R. H.