Title: Letter from Washington

Source text: Bob Logic [Unknown], "Letter from Washington," The Anglo-African 22 August 1863: [2].

Date: August 22, 1863

Keywords:African American soldiers--History--19th centuryAfrican Americans--Washington (D.C.)Bowser, David Bustill, 1820-1900Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895Forney, John W. (John Wien), 1817-1881Gloucester, James NFifteenth Street Presbyterian Church (Washington, D.C.)Keckley, Elizabeth, approximately 1818-1907Thomas, Lorenzo, 1804-1875United States. Colored TroopsUnited States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Participation, African AmericanUnited States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Societies, etcSlade, William, 1815-?Cook, George F. T.Wilson, William J.

Civil War Washington ID: cww.02505

TEI/XML: cww.02505.xml

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Mr. Editor:

Amid the dullness, together
with the heat and dust of a city noted for its
magnificent distances, we yet have our plea-
​. We certainly had a rich and rare treat
the other evening. The Contraband Relief
Association had a meeting last Tuesday even-
​, for the purpose of having an election of
officers for the ensuing year. Having learned
that Mr. Frederick Douglass was in the city,
and intended to be present on that occasion,
of course I made for the place, the 15th Street
Presbyterian Church.

As soon as I entered the room I found a
great many of the members present, also many
spectators. The President, Mrs. Keckley,
called the house to order, and commenced the
preliminaries. Just as they were reading a
portion of Scripture, which is the custom of
the Society when they open their meetings, a
gentleman entered the room, and there was
such an outbust​ of applause that it brought
me to my feet to see what was the matter.
Never having seen Mr. Douglass, I was not
sure it was him until I heard a whisper, "That's
Frederick Douglass." I then felt assured that
my eyes beheld a man whom I had never seen
before, but had long desired to see. The house
by this time had become crowded.

Mr. Wm.​ Slade was called upon to introduce
Mr. Douglass, which he did in his usual
affable manner. Loud calls were then made
for "Douglass." He arose, and with the eye
of an eagle, scanned the whole crowd, and
said that he thanked the Society and audience
with all the gratitude that his poor heart
could possess for the attention and honor they
had conferred upon him; and, as they had met
for a specific purpose, he would be happy, truly
happy, after they had gotten through with
their election, to make a few remarks. The
proposition of Mr. D. being acceded to, they
proceeded with the election ; upon the conclu-
​ of which Mr. D. arose and spoke for about
half an hour. I must say that I never was so
interested in all my life as I was on this
occasion. He riveted the attention of the
audience to such a degree, that at times you
could have heard a pin fall. After Mr. D. had
finished his remarks, I had the extreme plea-
​ of an introduction.

The flag gotten up by the ladies of the Con-
​ Relief Association for the First District
Colored Volunteers being in the room, it
was examied very closely by Mr. D., who
expressed his great delight of the design and
workmanship of the artist (Mr. Bowser of
Philadelphia), and after shaking hands with
many, he retired. I should not forget to men-
​ an instance of Mr. D.'s liberality. He was
so pleased with the object of the Society, that
he requested them to call or draw upon him
for fifty dollars, which he said he gave cheer-
​ to aid them in their great work of bene-

The Society then passed a resolution to set
apart the following Thursday evening for their
Anniversary, they having been in existence
one year from last August, also for presentation
of the flag. The Regiment had left but a
detachment to receive the flag. On the arrival
of said evening, Mr. George Cook presented
the flag in a few very appropriate remarks,
and it was received on behalf of the Regiment
by Capt. Ferroe, of the Contraband Barracks,
whose command the detachment was under.

I noticed present on the occasion Rev. J. N.
Gloucester and Prof. Wm.​ J. Wilson of Brook-
​, both of whom made very suitable ad-
​, as did also Col. John W. Forney of
The Daily Chronicle.

Since writing the above, I am informed that
Frederick Douglass has received a commission
from the War Department, to go down South,
in company with Adj. Gen. Thomas, to aid that
distinguished officer in the organization of
colored troops. I hope it is a fact. If it is
so, how strange these things are! Frederick
Douglass, but a few years ago a terror to the
South, now on a mission of that kind. There
is no question about it,

"God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform."

Bob Logic.