Title: Domestic Correspondence

Source text: Bob Logic [Unknown], "Domestic Correspondence," The Anglo-African 20 June 1863: [1-2].

Date: June 20, 1863

Keywords:African American soldiers--History--19th centuryAfrican Americans--Washington (D.C.)Augusta, Alexander T., 1825-FreedmenKeckley, Elizabeth, approximately 1818-1907Martindale, J. H. (John Henry), 1815-1881Scott, Dred. 1809-1858Slaves--Emancipation--United StatesUnited States. Colored TroopsUnited States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--HospitalsUnited States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Participation, African AmericanUnited States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Societies, etcPowell, William P., 1834-1915

Civil War Washington ID: cww.02500

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Domestic Correspondence.

Letter from Washington.

M. Editor,

Not having seen a letter from your most worthy
correspondent "Box," for sometime, at the sug-
​ of some of my friends as well as your
friends, I thought I would drop you a letter oc-
​ for your most excellent paper; for I
feel at this time that at this point, the capital of
the nation, where all eyes are turned, there are
matters of very great importance that would cer-
​ interest the great multitude of readers that
enjoy the perusal of the Anglo-African.

Washington at this time presents features of a
miscellaneous character. Previous to the emanci-
​ act, prejudice here was like a sleeping
volcano, its pro-slavery inhabitants smothered
their prejudices because they knew full well that
the laws of the District were sufficiently oppres-
​ against the colored man, that they could say
or do to him just as they pleased, as according
to their beloved Dred Scott decision, colored men
had no rights that white men were bound to re-
​. Thus they would lay the flattering unc-
​ to their souls, or roll it under their tongues
as a sweet morsel. But the scenes are shifted.
The District is free; and those oppressive laws,
bolstered up by that hateful decision, have pass-
​, or are passing, away; and as they pass away,
that hydra-headed monster, prejudice, opens his
volcanic jaws and emits his hellish lava. I can
not enumerate the outrages that the colored
people have been subjected to since that glorious
act was passed. Again, their hatred to the col-
​ people has been increased from the govern-
​ having (in their estimation) committed an
unpardonable crime by permitting the enlist-
​ of colored men for the war. Their anger
has not arrived at its highest pitch as yet: for
there is too much truth in that old adage, "whom
the gods would destroy they first make mad."

An incident occurred yesterday (Wednesday,
the 4th of June) that was disgraceful in the ex-
​. A soldier, whose name I could not learn,
belonging to company A, First Colored Regiment
District Volunteers, which is encamped on an
island opposite Georgetown, got a pass to come
over to the city; and, having his uniform on, of
course attracted much attention, especially among
the secesh. Three United States soldiers, or
rather, three white men with secesh hearts, cov-
​ over with United States uniforms, approached
him, to know what he was doing with that uni-
​ on. He very properly asked them, "what
is it your business?" All three of them, assisted
by a secesh civilian, assaulted him, and he was
considerably bruised. In the mean time, a po-
​ came up and, of course, arrested the sol-
​ and carried him off to the magistrate's office.
The civilian, or villian, alluded to above, follow-
​ the arrested party to the office, for the pur-
​, I suppose, of adducing some hatched-up
evidence, so that the colored soldier should be
put in durance vile. But while at the office, a
colonel of a Massachusetts regiment, who hap-
​ to see the whole affair, made a statement
of the circumstances just as they occurred, and
the result was, the colored soldier was dismissed
and the white civilian or villian was sent to jail
much to the gratification of our colored friends
who surrounded the door of the office.

As a specimen of these outrages, please insert
the following notice cut from the Morning


We have forborne mentioniong​ until the
present time the uncalled-for enmity of the Gov-
​ teamsters in the wagon parks to the
denizens of the contraband camp, and the repea-
​ violent assaults which the former have made
on the latter. There is no cause alleged for
these deadly assaults upon these people but the
fact that they have black skins. On Monday
night an attack was made on the contraband camp
which resulted in the severe if not fatal wounding
of two negroes. On Tuesday morning a party
of colored men were sent out aftr​ forage, and
were followed and cruelly beaten by a number
of drivers of the ambulance corps. During that
day, information was received at the headquarters
of General Martindale that a plot had been ar-
​ by the teamsters by which an attack was
to be made at a given signal. Guns, pistols,
and slung​ shots had been collected for this oc-

Capt. Johnson, of the 10th New Jersey, was
placed in command of an adequate number of
cavalry and infantry, and they spent the night in
the vicinity. At 12 o'clock about 20 teamsters
congregated on Twenty-third street between L
and M streets, and kindled a bon-fire. This was
understood to be the signal for a general assault
on the contrabands. The mob at once com-
​ stoning the colored gentry, and commit-
​ other acts of violence, but the military soon
arrested a number of the ringleaders. Lieute-
​ Brannin followed five of the teamsters into
a shanty, when one of the latter drew a shoe
knife and made for the Lieutenant. Lieutenant
Franklin deliberately drew his revolver and pre-
​ it at the head of the intended murderer.
The knife was dropped instantly, and the entire
party arrested. Five shots were fired at Ser-
​ Hurley and some of the patrolmen by a
crowd of the rioters. We learn that their hatred
of the police is litle​ less than their hatred of the
contrabands. This arises from the fact that the
police have detected them in many of their acts
of villainy.

It may not be out of place here to remark that
these teamsters, as a class, are of the most des-
​ and unprincipled character. We learn,
on good authority, that a large per centage of
them are deserters from either the Federal or re-
​ armies. Some time since nearly two hundred
of them, at the Railroad park, refused to take the
oath of allegiance, and were discharged. Some
of these men will commit almost any outrage
for a trifle. They seem to be under no effective
discipline​ A change should be made, as at pre-
​ they are a nuisance in the army and to so-
​. From the first battle of Bull Run to the
present time they have contributed largely to
every reverse which has met our arms.


The above was written for yesterday
morning's paper, but was crowded out. The de-
​ of the military, together with the ar-
​ which were made by them, has awed the
teamsters into good conduct, and doubtless caus-
​ them to abandon their contemplated annihi-
​ of colored people, simply because they are
colored. Had not General Mortindale, through
his officers, manifested a determination to punish
these offenders, tho​ conspiracy might have re-
​ in a most disastrous manner.

These white-livered teamsters have a great
hatred for the contrabands. They dread to have
such competitors in the field of labor. They
are mostly drunkards, profane babblers, insolent,
dirty, and lazy; the colored teamsters are the
very opposite: hence they dread their competi-

The Contraband Barracks, or rather the me-
​ department of it, is presenting a better pic-
​, especially its sanitary condition, since Dr.
Augusta and his assistant, Dr. Powell, have taken
charge. These gentlemen found it in a very
deplorable condition; so much so, that they
have had to revolutionize everything out there,
that they might be able to save the lives of those
that are left behind to tell of the abuses they
received at the hands of those who were placed
at the head of affairs, and have been very prop-
​ discharged. Ever since these barracks were
established, it has been my heart's desire to have
colored men placed in every department of trust
and responsibility, and there is a great victory
gained in having Dr. A. placed over the medical
department. I am in hopes, by the time you
get another letter from me, I may be able to an-
​ to you that a colored man has been ap-
​ superintendent of the whole camp.
I was much pleased with the proceedings of the
Contraband Relief Association, of which Mrs .
Keckley is president. They appropriated one
hundred dollars for the care and comfort of en-
females, and what is better, the medical
director has promised to build them a hospital
for that purpose alone.

The colored regiment is progressing finely;
the third company is nearly ready to be muster-
​ in. This regiment would have been raised
long since, but there has been some misunder-
​ between Col. Turner and the War De-
​. I have not been able to gather the
facts in the case, but hope to be able to give
them in my next.

I have no war news. "All is quiet on the
Potomac," or rather the Rappahannock. There
are various rumors of a contemplated secesh raid
on this city—but I can't see the point.