CASE 180.—Private F. M. Hayes, Co. A, 211th Pennsylvania, aged 21 years, was wounded at Fort Steadman, March 25, 1865. He was admitted to the field hospital of the 3d division, Ninth Corps, where Surgeon M. F. Bowes, 211th Pennsylvania, recorded: "Wound of right hip by conoidal ball." Two days afterwards the man was moved to the Depot Hospital at City Point, and ten days later he was conveyed on a hospital steamer to Alexandria, where he entered the Third Division Hospital. Surgeon E. Bentley, U. S. V., reported: "Gunshot fracture of right hip. Light cold-water dressings and a bandage were applied over the thigh to facilitate the discharge of pus from the wound. The limb was retained in position by means of an inclined plane, with slight extension and counter-extension. Alcoholic stimulants and nourishing diet were freely administered. He died April 14, 1865. Autopsy thirteen hours after death: Tissues of thigh very much disorganized by the extent of suppuration, involving the entire limb. The femur was fractured at the neck. The ball had passed under the pubis and was found in the pelvis, external to the peritoneum."