Title: Young, J. W.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 3, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1883), 12.

Keywords:wounds and injuries of the lower extremitiesflesh wounds of the lower extremitiesshot flesh woundsflesh wounds of the lower limbs, with injury of the larger nervesinjuries of anterior and posterior tibial nervesball entered upper gastrocnemius musclecomplete paralysis of extensor muscles of legfoot dropped to full extensionflexion of foot to leg impossible

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e382

TEI/XML: med.d2e382.xml

CASE 18.—Private J. W. Young, Co. E, 137th New York, aged 27 years, was wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, and, admitted to Harewood Hospital, Washington, three weeks afterward. Acting Assistant Surgeon T. H. Elliott reported: "Gunshot wound of right leg. Ball entered through upper portion of gastrocnemius muscle and emerged near the head of the fibula. The foot, immediately after the injury, dropped to full extension; all of the muscles of the leg paralyzed from division of nerves; flexors of thigh contracted, causing the heel to be raised from the floor three inches in the erect posture. Patient is unable to bear any weight on the limb. August 6th, wound unhealed; paralysis of extensor muscles complete. Patient discharged from service August 16, 1863." Examiner J. G. Orton, of Binghamton, New York, September 15, 1866, certified: "The power of flexion of the foot upon the leg is impossible in consequence of injury to flexor muscles; walking is performed with much difficulty and not without assistance." On February 29, 1876, he reported: * * "The power of flexion of the foot is entirely gone. It is at present almost worthless, the foot being swollen, and drags when he walks; he cannot walk without assistance." The pensioner was paid March 4, 1876.