Title: Hunt, J. L.
Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 3, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1883), 52.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e3769
TEI/XML: med.d2e3769.xml
CASE 128.—Private J. L. Hunt, Co. G, 57th New York, aged 42 years, was wounded at the Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Assistant Surgeon J. C. McKee, U. S. A., reported his admission to Lincoln Hospital, Washington, May 26th, with "gunshot wound of left thigh." Two weeks afterwards the patient was transferred to Camden Street Hospital, Baltimore, and on October 23d he entered Mower Hospital, Philadelphia, where Acting Assistant Surgeon F. W. Saunders recorded the following: "A minié ball entered the thigh at the inner side, upper third, and, passing backward and outward behind the femur, emerged just below the tuberosity of the ischium. Deficient circulation from ligature or otherwise of the great trunks occasioned mortification in the foot, rendering necessary the amputation, previous to admission, on September 5th, of the first and second toes at the second joints." The patient was subsequently transferred to McDougall Hospital, New York Harbor, whence he was discharged June 5, 1865, Assistant Surgeon S. H. Orton, U. S. A., certifying, "the wound has been gangrenous; extensive cicatrix remaining, causing great contraction of muscles; little use of leg." On June 1, 1866, the pensioner was supplied with a supporting and extensor apparatus by Dr. E. D. Hudson, of New York, who in his statement reports the ligation as having been performed on "July 9." The New York City Examining Board certified, December 8, 1875: "There is a cicatrix five inches by four on inner side of left thigh, middle third, which is adherent and radiated. The femoral artery has been cut and tied. There is great loss of muscular substance. The great and second toes have sloughed away; foot poorly nourished. Has to wear an artificial appliance to enable him to walk. There is considerable atrophy of muscles of the limb. The disability is equal to the loss of the limb." The pensioner was paid March 4, 1876.