Title: P——, H. C.
Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 354.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e36030
TEI/XML: med.d2e36030.xml
CASE 1017.—Lieutenant H. C. P——, Co. H, 21st Pennsylvania Cavalry, was wounded at the engagement at Hactcher's Run, October 27, 1864, and sent to the Second Division Hospital, Cavalry Corps. Assistant Surgeon E. J. Marsh, U.S.A., recorded a "flesh wound of the left thigh." The patient was transferred to hospital at City Point, and furloughed November 7th. On December 5, 1864, he was registered with wounded volunteer officers at Washington. Acting Assistant Surgeon F. S. Barbarin notes the injury as "a gunshot flesh wound of the scrotum and left thigh;" and adds that this officer was "discharged February 8, 1865, readmitted March 4th, and discharged the service April 9, 1865."—S. O. 62, § 19, A. G. O. Dr. H. W. Sawtelle, of the Revenue Marine Service, states that in this case the sciatic nerve was injured, and that there was for a long time pain and sensitiveness in the course of this nerve. He adds that during the treatment an abscess formed in the scrotum, requiring evacuation by a trocar, and that after retirement from service this officer experienced no inconvenience from the injury until the spring of 1870, when scalding on micturition, and a diminution in the size of the stream of urine was observed. Catheterization thrice weekly was employed for nearly a twelve-month, with great benefit. In January, 1873, Dr. Sawtelle examined this pensioner, and detected "a slight stricture corresponding with the exit of the ball. A system of gradual dilatation by bougies was advised, and under this treatment steady improvement took place." Dr. W. P. Johnson and Examiner J. O. Stanton, of Washington, certified that the stricture was, in their opinions, of tramatic orgin.