Title: Currier, S. D.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 287.

Keywords:injuries of pelvisinjuries of parts contained in the pelvisgunshot wound of bladderforeign bodies in the bladdervesical calculi consequent on shot woundsextraneous bodies escaping by the urethracicatrized sinuses connected with woundssinus through os pubis and through bladder, coming out side of backbonesinus through testicle, passing out side of spinesinus through groin, passing through rectumsinus into inner thighirritability of bladder with pain, inability to retain urine, permanent contraction and chronic inflammation of neck of bladdergreat irritability of the bladderpain in bladder regioninability to retain urinepermanent contraction and chronic inflammation of neck of bladderweakness or paralysis of rectum loss of use of leg from wound in thighfrequent urination, severe paindefective circulation with symptoms of paralysisdisability total

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e35020

TEI/XML: med.d2e35020.xml

CASE 822.—Corporal S. D. Currier, Co. B, 4th Vermont, aged 26 years, was wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, and received treatment in Mount Pleasant Hospital, Washington, until March 21, 1863, and afterward in the general hospital at Brattleboro, where he was discharged on May 11th on account of "gunshot wound of the bladder." Pension Examiner E. V. Walking, of Newbury, Vermont, reported, September 13, 1872, that "the wounds [meaning, probably, the cicatrized sinuses connected with them] were situated as follows: One immediately through the os pubis, and also through the bladder, coming out on the left side of the backbone; one through the left testicle, and passing out also on the left side of the spine; one through the left groin, passing through the rectum; and another in the right inner thigh. The disability consists in great irritability of the bladder, with pain in that region; an inability to retain the urine, in consequence of permanent contraction and a chronic inflammation of the neck of the bladder; also a weakness of the rectum or paralysis resulting from the passing through of the ball, very much impairing the functions of that portion of the bowels; and a loss of use of the right leg from the wound in the thigh. Finally, he has frequent calls to urinate, attended with very severe pain, especially after taking exercise or cold, and at such times is obliged to take to his bed. He has defective circulation and symptoms of paralysis." Examiner J. F. Burns, of Brainerd, Minnesota, reported, September 10, 1873, the injuries as described, and adds: "He cannot retain his urine, and has to use a bougie to keep the bowels open, and has partial paralysis of both legs; his disability is total." He was last paid to June 4, 1873.