Title: Crane, J. W.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 3, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1883), 12.

Keywords:wounds and injuries of the lower extremitiesflesh wounds of the lower extremitiesshot flesh woundsflesh wounds of the lower limbs, with injury of the larger nerveswounds of unspecified nervesinjury of sciatic nervepartial paralysis of both lower extremities

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e323

TEI/XML: med.d2e323.xml

CASE 17.—Sergeant J. W. Crane, Co. A, 79th New York, aged 27 years, was wounded at Bull Run, August 30, 1862, and admitted to Judiciary Square Hospital, Washington, one week afterward. On May 9, 1863, he was transferred to DeCamp Hospital, David's Island, whence Acting Assistant Surgeon J. W. Dickie reported: "A ball passed through right thigh at about the junction of the upper and middle thirds. The wound closed about the first of March, and a small abscess formed, about that time, a little below the wound. When the abscess healed a pain commenced in the left hip joint, extending to the foot. This pain was constant. No pain was felt in the right leg except when pressure was made on the wound. The pain was most severe in the hip and calf of the leg. It would at times ascend and affect the respiratory muscles, causing great distress and difficulty in breathing. Appetite poor when admitted, yet the patient is quite fleshy. Had taken considerable quantity of morphia, so much as to be free from pain. May 13th, had recurrence of pain and dyspnœa, and spasm of upper extremities. Gave chloroform, twenty drops, and repeated the dose in fifteen minutes. May 17th, had another spasm; same treatment. Has slighter attacks more frequently, which are relieved by exposure to cold. May 19th, had another spasm; two grains of sulphate of morphia given; pain checked. May 24th, another spasm; gave chloroform one drachm, and sulphate of morphia one grain; pain relieved. On the next day cauterization was performed along the course of the great ischiatic and peroneal nerves. May 28th, gave nine grains of sulphate of quinine and a half grain of sulphate of morphia, and repeated every evening. May 29th, had a recurrence, but not much spasm. June 12th, the cauterized surface is healed; patient improving and has but little pain. June 22d, walked out, supporting himself by means of canes." The patient was subsequently transferred to McDougall Hospital, where he was recorded as having been "returned to duty December 28, 1863." The records, however, do not show that he resumed active duty in the field. He was mustered out October 6, 1864, and pensioned. The Hartford Examining Board certified, May 3, 1871: * * "The muscles and skin are bound down to the bone and are much impaired in action. Partial paralysis of both limbs, owing to the injury to the nerves." The same Board reported, September 15, 1873, that "owing to the injury to some nerve he suffers excruciating pain on slight exercise or change of temperature," and, at a subsequent examination, they stated that "pain extends to the spine and down the other leg, and the limb at such times is drawn up spasmodically;" also that "he is confined to bed from one to three months every year," etc. The pensioner was paid June 4, 1876.