Title: Hedrick, John M.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 214.

Keywords:injuries of the pelvisshot fractures of the pelvic bonesshot fractures of the iliumflesh wound of backgunshot wound of forearm and of hipball carried away transverse process of fifth lumbar vertebra, penetrated os ilium near connection with sacrum, emerged through ilium near anterior superior spinous processextensive exfoliation of iliumpromoted to colonel, brevetted brigadier [general] for gallantrydisability total

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e31864

TEI/XML: med.d2e31864.xml

CASE 621. Lieutenant Colonel John M. Hedrick, 15th Iowa, was wounded near Atlanta on July 22, 1864, and after Surgeon William H. Gibbon, of his regiment, had applied a primary dressing, he was transferred to the hospital of the Seventeenth Army Corps, thence was admitted into hospital at Chattanooga, where Surgeon J. H. Phillips, U. S. V., records the injury as a flesh wound of the back. Thence this officer was sent to hospital at Louisville on August 10th, where Surgeon A. T. Watson, U. S. V., records "gunshot wound of left forearm and of left hip." He was mustered out of service on August 11, 1866, and was pensioned. On September 4, 1867, Pension Examiner W. S. Orr reports: "A musket ball carried away the left transverse process of the fifth lumbar vertebra, penetrated the os ilium of the same side near its connection with the sacrum, and emerged through the ilium near its anterior superior spinous process. The wound has been followed by extensive exfoliation of the ilium, which has not yet entirely ceased. Disability total." Promoted to a colonelcy, and brevetted a brigadier for gallantry, this officer subsequently regained his strength, and, in 1872, visited Washington, in tolerably robust health.