Title: Boles, H.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 387.

Keywords:injuries of the pelvisinjuries of the genital organswounds of the peniswounds of the urethraorganic stricturedouble stricture of urethra following gonorrhœastricture dilated by silver soundsno anæstheticincontinence of urinetraumatic urethritis from frequent catheterismtreatment continued as out-door patientcured in twenty-eight days

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e31832

TEI/XML: med.d2e31832.xml

CASE 1091.—H. Boles, quartermaster's service, aged 21 years, was admitted into Post Hospital, Washington, June 4, 1866. Assistant Surgeon W. Thomson, U. S. A., reported: "Double stricture of the urethra, following gonorrhœa of several months duration; the stricture existing since July, 1865. There was one firm and unyielding stricture in the spongy portion of the urethra, and another one, less tense, in the membranous portion; there was no discharge from the urethra; there was incontinence of urine. On June 5th, Acting Assistant Surgeon G. P. Hanawalt commenced dilating the stricture by means of silver sounds, introduced twice daily, no anæsthetic being used. The patient's constitutional condition was good at the time, and there was but little sensibility of the urethra, which had been already treated by Dr. R. K. Stone with Holt's dilator. In the evening, a No. 1 sound was introduced with slight difficulty. On the following day, a No. 2 sound was carried into the bladder, and a No. 3 into the first stricture. On the 7th, the No. 3 was passed into the bladder. On the 10th and 11th, there was traumatic urethritis from too frequent catheterism. He left hospital on the 12th, but returned on the 20th, and was discharged from hospital June 25, 1866, his treatment being continued as an out-door patient. On the 27th, the next to the largest sound was introduced. On July 3d, the patient himself introduced a large-sized bougie without difficulty. He was cured in twenty-eight days, urinating in a full stream."