Title: Longley, A.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 363.

Keywords:injuries of the pelvisinjuries of the genital organswounds of the peniswounds of the urethraurethral fistulesfistulae, fistulasfistulesfistulae, fistulas ascribed to prolonged use of sounds, ill effects of protracted retention of cathetersgunshot wound of thigh, fracturing bone, involving scrotum and glans penisball passed through thigh, grazed scrotum, passed through penisurethra cut off back of glans penis, urine discharged at openings on either side of penis, only small part escaped at natural channelurethra burst near root of penis, sac-like enlargement there, urine does not discharge without pressuredisability three-fourthsfistulesfistulae, fistulas ascribed to prolonged use of sounds, ill effects of protracted retention of catheters

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e31791

TEI/XML: med.d2e31791.xml

CASE 1057.—Private A. Longley, Co. E, 19th Maine, aged 17 years, was wounded at Petersburg, November 27th, 1864. He was treated in hospitals on the field, at City Point, Washington, and Augusta, where he was admitted to Clay Hospital on April 3, 1865, and thence discharged the service May 15, 1865, for "gunshot wound of the left thigh, fracturing the bone, and involving the scrotum and glans penis; disability one-half." Examiner C. W. Snow, of Skowhegan, reported, September 24, 1866: "Ball passed through the thigh, grazed the scrotum, and passed through the penis, cutting off the urethra about half an inch back of the glans penis. The urine is discharged at the openings on either side of the penis, a small part only escaping at the natural channel." The same surgeon reports, February 5, 1873: "As the result of wearing a catheter too long after receiving the wound, the urethra burst near the root of the penis. It has a sac-like enlargement there, from which the urine does not discharge without pressure. A small quantity remaining creates irritation, and has produced a discharge resembling catarrh of the bladder. The trouble is on the increase; disability three-fourths." This pensioner was paid June 4, 1873