Title: Barnard, Henry B.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 96.

Keywords:injuries of the abdomenpenetrating wounds of the abdomenwounds of the large intestinesgunshot woundscases of recoveryball entered anterior aspect of upper third thigh, came out at gluteal regionwounded sigmoid flexure of colonfæcal matter and urine escaped from woundsulcer of inner thigh with fistulous track possibly connecting with urethra or rectumwounded thigh measures in circumference one-half less than oppositepain in back and lameness after protracted labor

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e31649

TEI/XML: med.d2e31649.xml

CASE 290.—Captain Henry B. Barnard, Co. L, 2d New York Mounted Rifles, aged 27 years, was wounded at Petersburg, July 30, 1864, by a conoidal ball, which entered the anterior aspect of the upper third of the left thigh and came out at the right gluteal region; in its passage, it wounded the sigmoid flexure of the colon. He was taken to the field hospital, and, on August 3d, was transferred to Washington and admitted into Armory Square Hospital, under the charge of Surgeon D. W. Bliss, U. S. V. Fæcal matter and urine escaped from the wounds. Tonics and good diet were ordered. The patient did well, and, on September 8th, was furloughed, at which time the wound was still open. About two months afterward, he returned to the hospital on his way to his regiment, and was "perfectly well." He is reported by the Adjutant General of the State of New York as having been discharged from service January 20, 1865. Pension Examiner H. F. Montgomery reports, March 22, 1865: "There is now, on the inside of the left thigh, one inch from the groin, an ulcer with a hard inflamed base and a fistulous track upward and downward, possibly connecting with the urethra or rectum." Pension Examiners B. L. Hovey and H. F. Montgomery, of Rochester, reported, November 24, 1871, that "the left thigh measures, in circumference, one-half less than the right at a corresponding point. He complains of pain in the back, and lameness after protracted labor." He was last paid December 4, 1872.