CASE 252.—Private H. P. Dugan, Co. I, 121st Pennsylvania, aged 26 years, was wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, by a conoidal ball, which entered one inch below the crest of the right ilium. He was taken to the field hospital, where the missile was removed through a counter-opening two inches posterior to the point of entrance; simple dressings were applied to the wound. On July 22nd, he was transferred to the Chesnut​ Street Hospital, Harrisburg. Here the fracture of the right ilium was noted by the ward surgeon, who also states that "since the day he was wounded some fæcal matter has escaped with the discharge of pus through the wound. Water dressings and nourishing diet. August 12th, general health improving; fæcal discharge much less. August 20th, general health good. Small pieces of necrosed bone have been removed through the opening; there is still a very slight discharge of fæcal matter." On September 16th, he was transferred to South Street Hospital, Philadelphia, and placed in Ward I, under the charge of Acting Assistant Surgeon Know, who states that "since his admission the wound has been dressed simply. The external opening communicates with the colon, and wind and fæces make their exit through the fistulous opening. On September 20th, he complained of great pain in the lower right side of the pelvis, which was relieved by enemata and the application of warm cloths externally. This trouble occurred again on the 23d, but disappeared under the same treatment." On July 7, 1864, he was transferred to Beverly, New Jersey, at which time the fistulous opening still remained. At Beverly he was reported as "convalescent," and was returned to duty February 21, 1865; but, on the 27th, was admitted into the 2d division hospital at Alexandria, was transferred on May 21st to McClellan Hospital, Philadelphia, and was discharged from service July 8, 1865. Pension Examiner John Neill reports, July 16, 1868, that "the entrance wound is depressed and discharging, with evidence of necrosed bone. The ilium was comminuted, and numerous small pieces of bone have escaped. There is probably more to be discharged. The man is ruddy and in perfect health, and can pursue his trade except when a fresh suppuration takes place. He has entire use of all of his limbs." The Pension Examining Board at Philadelphia reports, March 23, 1870, that the inconvenience and disgusting nature of the disability has not improved, and debars him from obtaining employment, and recommends him for an increase of pension, which was granted. He was last paid on December 4, 1872.