Title: McDowell, J. T.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 71.

Keywords:injuries of the abdomenpenetrating wounds of the abdomenwounds of the small intestinesgunshot woundswounds of the ileumwounded in abdomenshot through sacrum, sacrum much comminutedball came out above pubesfæces escaped externallyperitonitisdeath after few days with symptoms of peritonitispost-mortem examination performedbullet entered ala of sacrum, emerged in hypogastric region above pubesfold of small intestine twice perforatedgas and fæces passed into gluteal muscles

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e31577

TEI/XML: med.d2e31577.xml

CASE 224.—Private J. T. McDowell, Co. H, 21st New Jersey, aged 25 years, was wounded in abdomen at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. He was taken to the field hospital of the 2nd division of the Sixth Corps, and was subsequently conveyed by ambulance to Washington, and admitted, on the 8th, into Douglas Hospital. Acting Assistant Surgeon H. L. M. Burritt, who had charge of the case, states that the "patient was shot through the sacrum, which was much comminuted; the ball came out about an inch above the pubes. Fæces escaped freely externally; no natural action of the bowels took place. Two grains of morphia were given daily and extra diet ordered. The patient was failing when he was admitted, but lingered a few days, and gradually sank, with symptoms of peritonitis. A post-mortem examination was made six hours after death: The bullet entered at the left ala of the sacrum and emerged in the hypogastric region, one inch above the pubes. The peritoneum was deeply injected, and the peritoneal sac contained a dark greenish and sanguinous mixture; and serous effusion. A fold of the small intestine was twice perforated by the ball, but the bladder was uninjured. Gas and fæces passed from behind into the gluteal muscles."